You can buy a Pokedoll at the Celadon City Dept. Store on the 4th floor, it's the first item. Costs: 1000
You can get one from Copycat in Saffron City or buy one at the Celadon department store.
2 things: If used in battle the pokedoll allows you to escape no matter what, If used in the fight against the marowak ghost in Pokemon tower you can use the pokedoll to cheat past it instead of getting the silph scope.
No you can only get it once in Pokemon mansion.
at the Pokemon fan club house in vermilion.
A Pokedoll is in the Celadon Department Store.
Buy a pokedoll for her in the super mart, and she will teach one of your Pokemon mimic
You can get one from Copycat in Saffron City or buy one at the Celadon department store.
2 things: If used in battle the pokedoll allows you to escape no matter what, If used in the fight against the marowak ghost in Pokemon tower you can use the pokedoll to cheat past it instead of getting the silph scope.
you can not buy a moonstone in any Pokemon game but you can find them somewhere
you cannot buy this item
Buy them.
You buy another.
Buy it in the game corner.
it helps distract a Pokemon so you can escape
you can buy Pokemon emerald, ruby, sapphire, firered and leafgreen at gamestop
No you can only get it once in Pokemon mansion.