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i hope you saved ur game before it fainted because if u didnt then its gone for good.

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Q: What do you do if Cresselia faints?
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Can Cresselia be caught even after she faints?

no sipmpl as tht

What happens if cresslia faints in Pokemon pearl?

If Cresselia faints [same as any legendary pokemon] you cannot catch it ever unless you save before the battle and restart if you make a mistake.

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After a little while into the post game, Cresselia starts appearing into your dreams or at least Darkrai is. He was pretending to be Cresselia. Cresselia is really good, but the Cresselia in the dreams are Darkrai's doing.

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Hinata faints in Naruto Shippuden episode 33

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A person faints because he or she doesn't get much sleep and food

How do you get cresselia on your team on explorers of sky?

I looked it up, you can get Cresselia, but it doesn't say how. It only says you can get Cresselia at Sharpedo Bluff.

Where do you catch Cresselia in Pokemon Diamond?

you find cresselia on full moon island

Can you catch cresselia in cerulean cave?

no, cresselia can only be caught in gens 4+

Icy wind or ice beam on a Cresselia?

Well, Ice beam for a Choice Specs Cresselia and Icy Wind for a Cresselia with high stats on defense

Why has Cresselia disappeared off your map?

If Cresselia disappeared off of your map completely, then you have already caught Cresselia, or there is a glitch in your game where Cresselia has just disappeared off of your map. Further details would be needed for a more in-depth assessment as to why this has happened if neither of the two reasons stated are why Cresselia isn't on your map.

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No just save it before you attack and turn it off if it faints

What happens when Terrakion faints?

Attempt to catch?: When you spot the Pokemon, save in the place Terrakion is and if he faints start over (Reset DSi or turn off DS and your still in the place you saved at)............... he disappears when he faints.