After you defeat team aqua in the underwater sea cavern you can awaken and beat Kyorge. Kyorge is located in the Cave of Origins.
Team Aqua/Magma took it underwater. Dive a look around for a secret entrance underwater and go in it. You will see the submarine. Then one you are at the sub, go up to the surface above it and defeat team Aqua/Magma.
you have to dive underwater by sootopolis city and you have to go in the little cave underwater where youll find the sud and then you surface there.
You get if from your Rival, after defeating team Aqua in the weather institution, who gives you Castform, but you must beat your rival before receiving the hm.
they are in a underwater cavern in route 128, but be carfull make a wrong turn and you will be sent back to the begining and you also battle the leader
The Team Aqua boss is in the Team Aqua Hideout northeast of Lilycove City. You will need the HM move Surf to reach the hideout.
A person can find the underwater cave in Pokémon Emerald in the Seafloor Cavern. It is found after defeating Team Aqua in MossDeep.
You can only enter that cave after finding team aqua in the underground sea cavern (somewhere underwater) and defeating their boss.
team aqua boss is in underwater base near soatapolis city and pacidflog town
You can find them in the underwater cavern
there is no underwater galactic hideout, the closest hideout you would get to underwater is the aqua/magma base in ruby and sapphire
Team Aqua/Magma took it underwater. Dive a look around for a secret entrance underwater and go in it. You will see the submarine. Then one you are at the sub, go up to the surface above it and defeat team Aqua/Magma.
Team Aquas underwater hideout is located in Mossdeep. You will need to dive down in the water and on the right hand side there will be a cave, which will be the hideout.
You should have a fighting type, a grass type and a rock type :)
you have to dive underwater by sootopolis city and you have to go in the little cave underwater where youll find the sud and then you surface there.
You have to search Underwater on Route 128 to find a secret cavern with a submarine in it, then go to the surface.
Search Underwater on Route 128 to find a secret cavern with a submarine in it, then go to the surface.
You can't go to the Magma/Aqua Hideout after you arrive to Mossdeep City and after defeating the Mossdeep Gym Leaders Liza and Tate. Once you arrive to the Magma/Aqua Hideout after arriving to the next route, the Magma/Aqua Hideout. My name is Samuel Steadman Gray the one and only,and I'm Famous for defeating the Champions:Gary,and Cynthia.Thak You.