The Team Aqua boss is in the Team Aqua Hideout northeast of Lilycove City. You will need the HM move Surf to reach the hideout.
Just train your Pokemon to be super strong, I guess. ____________________________________________________________________ lv. 41 Mightyena lv. 41 crobat lv.43 Sharpedo team: swampert lv.67 or over at least that knows surf that will beat the boss!
its the same as ruby and sapphie go in the cave stand on these orby things on the floor u get teleported do a different room then stand on a different 1 and keep doing it you will find a admin for the team he will battle you then the boss sets sale to slate port u fly there and meet him again he will then go some where near lilycove i think
go to the slateport city harbor outside and you'll see capt. stern interviewed. when you go inside the harbor you'll see team aqua escaping with a submarine. go to lilycove city then to the aqua hideout. then beat every grunt on your way. when you beat the last grunt in the hideout, he'll tell you the boss has escaped. go outside the hideout and the black things will be out of the way on the water, letting you through.
In Lilycove (team aqua) Hideout go to the boss room and in the top-left corner there are 4 Pokeballs (two are Voltorbs or Electrodes) but to avoid that hug the left wall and there will be a nugget and then the Master ball. and at the lotto in lillycove if all numbers match you get a master ball. Or if you are playing gba press f2 on your keyboard then type on decription: Masterball code Click codebracker Then type in the code section: DCEEEC34AFEADC26 Then check your PC and take as much master balls as you like for vba its the pretty much the same thing but you click cheats then cheat list then click codebreaker then you type the description (description is the same as gba) then you type the code (pretty much the same as gba) then you go to your PC then you get unlimited master balls.
Team Magma boss Maxie in their hideout in the cave by Lilicove's shore
every where team aqua is or in snoop dogs house.
you must have gotten6 gym badges the use surf from lilycove to MT.pyre and so on from there you must do MT.pyre FIRST then surf farther(follow the pokenav) hope this helps ;) good luck in Pokemon sapphire!
In Lilycove city, travel east and surf a bit, you will get to Team Aqua's base. Defeat the boss and you will get a scene.
1. MT. chimeni 2. slaperport city. 3. mt. puro. 4. aqua hideout. 5. aqua cavern.
I dont have the game but I think you have to battle the Boss pokemon.
You can only enter that cave after finding team aqua in the underground sea cavern (somewhere underwater) and defeating their boss.
first you have go to the team aquas near the lilycove city.then you have to battle their boss,and when you defeated the boss go to the submarine in the slateport or near the pokemon contest in lilycove city then go to the lilycove and surf then go right aand their you are.....hope it could help..!
you go to sootopolis city and than talk to Wallace the gym leader of sootopolis to go to the cave of origin to catch kyogre!
U need to beat the team galactic boss in the HQ after u beat him he gives u one.
There isn't one.
you go to slateport city and go to the place where the boat is and you will see a group of people. go inside and you will see the boss. then go back to lilycove and go to team aqua's hideout and you can go inside.
well you find the team magma/aqua boss in a underwater cave on the west side of the map. it's been a long time since i was there so this is as much information as i can give you.also try searching the web for a walkthrough of ruby/sapphire.(i have sapphire)