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Team Magma boss Maxie in their hideout in the cave by Lilicove's shore

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Q: Where is the boss of team magma in Pokemon ruby?
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Related questions

Where is team magma boss on Pokemon ruby?

team magma boss Maxie in their hide out along the cave by lilicove's shore

Where is Team Magma in Pokemon Sapphire?

Team Magma is absent in Pokemon sapphire, but exists in ruby. Same with team aqua in ruby version, both teams only coexist in Pokemon emerald version

How do you defeat team magma on Pokemon ruby?

Get the Goundon

What Pokemon game has Team Aqua and Team Magma in it?

Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, and Saphire.

How do you know if you have team magma symbol on Pokemon ruby?

You don't get the symbol in ruby.

How do you get past the team magma person to get to the team magma hideout in Ruby?

well the first person who did this is awsome but, im pretty shure that you take your best Pokemon with you up the gondola and go to the boss and tottaly enialate him.

Where do you find the masterball in Pokemon ruby?

Team Magma Hideout

Where is magma team after there hideout is busted in Pokemon ruby?

in a bush

Who is Archie and maxie in Pokemon Ruby?

The Leaders of Team Magma and Team Aqua.

How do you defeat team magma boss the second time in ruby version?

Knock out all his pokemon. If you are that far in the game you should really know how to defeat a trainer.

How do you find Archie in Pokemon Ruby?

In Pokemon ruby, your rivals are team magma, not team aqua, so you cannot find Archie, only maxie.

How do you move team magma to get into Mauville City in Pokemon Ruby?

you don't