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Q: What countries cannot have their capital letters coloured in?
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Related questions

Can a continent have a capital?

No, a continent cannot have a capital. Capitals are designated for countries or smaller administrative regions within countries, not for entire continents.

What is the keyboard shortcut for changing text from capital letters to small letters in notepad?

You cannot convert existing text from capital letters to small letters in Notepad. What you could do is copy the text and paste into a word processor and do it there. For example, if you pasted it into Microsoft Word, then select it and press Shift - F3 to convert it between the different cases. Then copy and paste it back to Notepad when you have it all in capital letters.

What are five capital letters that are chiral?

Chirality is defined as something that's asymmetric in that its mirror image is not identical, be it an image or a molecule. the capital letters N, J, F, Z, and L are all chiral in their structure.

What are all the letters that have 8 letters in them?

A letter cannot have "8 letters" in it.

What is the Shorthand Chemical Acronym for sulfuric acid?

H2SO4This second line is there only to stop Wiki Answers bothering me that I cannot post answers in all capital letters.

How can i make a password for Alphanumaric containing both upper and lower case?

Upper case means capital letter. Lower case means one that is not capitalized. Press the shift key and type a letter to create a capital letter (that is, an upper case). Alphanumeric means a mixture of both letters (alpha) and numbers (numeric). You cannot "capitalize" a number, but you can make capital letters (uppercase) by using the shift key as you type the letter you want capitalized. If you want ALL the letters capitalized, press the caps lock key.

Which city is the capital of Madrid?

Madrid cannot have a capital because it is a city. It is the capital city of Spain.

Can two different countries have the same capital?

No they cannot, it would be too chaotic and they would probably be fighting for complete control of the city, so I don't see it ever working out.

What is the current price of Pink Coloured diamond?

The value of a diamond cannot be determined based on color alone.

A sentence with the word cmpel?

I cannot make a sentence with the letters cmpel. This is not a word this is letters.

What do the letters bobct spell?

The letters 'bobct' cannot be rearranged to spell a word.The biggest word you can make from these letters is cobb.

Why is a drone fly brightly coloured even though it cannot sting?

Drone flies are brightly coloured even though they cannot sting is probably so that they can trick the other insects, animals, etc. into not eating them, in other words, acting as if it could actually sting.