You do lose your guns, but you do not lose your killstreaks, titles, or emblems.
Get promoted! Get the game guide, (or look online) and it'll tell you what rank you get certain guns at. Desert Eagle at rank 43, Barrett .50 (or w/e you use to blow off Zachaevs' arm) at 49, Gold Desert Eagle when you first go prestige, etc. Oh BTW think before you go prestige, you lose EVERYTHING when you do 0.0
WhEn YoU pReStIgE iN mOdErN wArFaRe 2 YoU dOn'T gEt AnYtHiNg, YoU aCtUaLlY lOsE aLl Of YoUr WeApOnS. NoW aFtEr YoU rEaD tHiS lOoK aT mY pRoFiLe.
From What I know After you hit level 70 (max level), you can choose to keep that rank or re level to level 70 as a prestige. You lose all weapons and their attachments for them. All u get is a title that says THE PRESTIGE. That's it
You lose all the weapons you've achieved and you have to earn them back. You unlock new challenges, embles, titles, and more Custom classes. The highest rank Prestige you can get to is 10. After entering prestige mode, you are reset to level 1 in 1st prestige with a different emblem than the default one.
No you will not lose prestige.....That wasn't the question.
If you go prestige you will lose all your wepons, but gain another class every other prestige.
Yes you do, but not your callsigns and emblems!!! =]
You don't get them back b/c every time you prestige you lose everything sort of like starting over
Nah. If you did, I would have 0 CoD Points, right now.
No, when you prestige, you go to level 1 and lose all your weapons, perks, and challenges. You basically start the game over but you get a new symbol.
No. You lose all of your experience, cod points, guns, perks, equipment, and grenade types. The only thing you keep is your playercard.
You must proceed in the multiplayer rankings until you get to rank 65 (last rank). Once achieved, in the game menu it has the title 'Prestige' so click on that and continue. But be warned, doing prestige mode will erase your ranking and you'll lose all of your unlocked weapons and perks.
u get the choice of prestiging. when u prestige ,u get an emblem proving u prestiged. although, u lose all ur classes and start back to lvl 1. personally, i wouldnt prestige if i were u
no you don't. you lose everything except for your callsigns and emblems so its just like starting from level 1 again. its still worth going prestige though as you unlock more challenges to give you more callsigns and emblems.