WhEn YoU pReStIgE iN mOdErN wArFaRe 2 YoU dOn'T gEt AnYtHiNg, YoU aCtUaLlY lOsE aLl Of YoUr WeApOnS. NoW aFtEr YoU rEaD tHiS lOoK aT mY pRoFiLe.
Captain Mactavish
There are 70 levels in one Prestige on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. There are 10 Prestiges, meaning that there are approximately 700 levels in the game. I am currently 7th Prestige Level 70 on Xbox Live, getting ready to prestige again.
you can prestige a maximum of 10 times, the highest level you can be is 10th prestige level 70.
2nd prestige
Level 70 on your 10th prestige.
go to www.nextgenupdate.com and search in forums for (modern warfare 2 10th prestige glitch) i recommend registering first
No. You have to prestige.
to get titles and emblems on modern warfare 2, you have to complete the challenges in the barracks, but for some you have to prestige
New perks and weapons
You get night vision goggles!
Get to Prestige 9.
How do you get 10 prestige in MD2
No, it's not compulsory for you to prestige in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Remember that once you prestige there is no going back.
no but i wish you could xD
yes you can prestige in ur offline account