Best moves for scizor are:
x scissor brick break
iron head night slash (offensive)
A good Moveset for a Scizor with Technician Ability would be:
-Bullet Punch (For S-T-A-B (Same Type Attack Bonus) Plus the boost from Technician)
-Sword Dance ( For upping his already Uncanny Attak)
-Quick Attack (For Technician Bonus and he isn't that fast)
-Roost (For Healing)
Also, Consider Having it hold the Item "Life Orb", For increased Damage
I don't think so cause Pokemon usually stop learning moves in the 60's levels
Scizor is a Steel and Bug type pokemon.
Fisrt, you give it a metal coat. Then, you have to trade it! Lastly, you you have Scizor.
Scizor is better at attack but I personally think Togekiss is better.
you can't get scizor and not even syther in Pokemon sapphire, only by trading
I don't think so cause Pokemon usually stop learning moves in the 60's levels
In my opioion I would use a fire fighting type Pokemon, I used Combusken's ember alot for most of the rock type Pokemon and then if that didn't work I would use the fighting moves Combusken has.
Keep exploring an event will happen sonner or later
Scizor doesn't evolve.
National park, best chance in the bug catching contest.
Luxray or Scizor Other Person-Scizor or Lucario
Baton Pass is one of Scizor's egg moves you can use a female Scyther or Scizor and then you can use males of either Ledyba, Ledian, Venomoth, Venonat, Spinarqak, Ariados, Gligar, Giscor, Volbeat or Illumise that knows Baton Pass and then you can put the two into the Daycare and the later on you will get an egg from the Daycare Man that will eventually hatch into a Scyther that knows Baton Pass.
The best place to find Scizor in Pokemon Heart Gold is in a low grassy area. Just ride your bike (If you have one) Back and forth and you will eventually find one.
Scizor is a Steel and Bug type pokemon.
scizor for attacking defending scizor will be gallade weavile by it's own self but for fight salamance comes in rhyperior-rock wreacker but defending is harsh so your final golduck for the water type moves against rhyperior grass-scizor and for ice weavile and a tip:scizor is almost UNSTOPABLE if you make him learn swords dance or give him a TM for it.
iron tail, earthquake, the Pokemon are steel and sometimes rock types. One oR TWO of the trainer have a scizor, too.
here are some good bug type Pokemon: venomoth vespiquen parasect scizor forretress those are probably as good as you can get, if you want bug type. But if you heracross want the very best, go to bulbapedia, and you can decide which is the best. armaldo yanmega (you can see the stats and the moves they learn) note: vespiquen, scizor, and yanmega are hard to get.)