Scizor is better at attack but I personally think Togekiss is better.
i recommend scizor because onix exist in both versions and therefore possible for both firered and leafgreen to have steelix. But, only firered possesses scyther and therefore, better for it
Scizor of course, Steel type, and better stats. Pokemon things are for nerds Oh please! Pokemon nerdiness isn't a crime! You don't know what you're talking about! It really depends on the trainer. And the level of the Pokemon, of course. Logically, Scizor is better because it has evolved. But if you choose to level up a Scyther until it's really strong then that's okay too.
Togekiss cannot evolve
no way!!!!!!!!!!! Togekiss is only a normail type wich means it would be naturally weaker and Gallade is a Physic so it is much stronger it can use phsyic moves when its paralized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't catch Scizor in the wild, the only way to obtain one is by trading a Scyther while holding a Metal Coat.
pro team
Try with a Scizor.
a togekiss is it is stronger and rarer
stelix way
Togekiss, because it is the evolved form and has better stats and moves.
well bellossom has a good sp def. and it doesnt have a double weakness, but heracross and scizor have really good attacks and scizor has better defenses than heracross overall i'd choose scizor
no one
Sky Attack is one of the starter moves of Togekiss,
i recommend scizor because onix exist in both versions and therefore possible for both firered and leafgreen to have steelix. But, only firered possesses scyther and therefore, better for it
i think definitely not 2 switch empoleon. luxray is defintly the weakest, but needed for elite 4's togekiss, milotic. lucario is not really needed. dusknoir for elite 4's physic pokemon. rhyperior needed. scizor not relly, but cool and strong. i have a lv. 86 scizor. probably ditch dusknoir, cause giratina is ghost type too. if u luv your dusknoir 2 much, i suggest lucario or scizor. hope it ws helpful!
i have scizor lvl. 100 togekiss lvl. 100 and leafeon lvl.100 also can you give me some hints on moves for them. I have every single TM so its not a problem what you tell me.
Scizor of course, Steel type, and better stats. Pokemon things are for nerds Oh please! Pokemon nerdiness isn't a crime! You don't know what you're talking about! It really depends on the trainer. And the level of the Pokemon, of course. Logically, Scizor is better because it has evolved. But if you choose to level up a Scyther until it's really strong then that's okay too.