no way!!!!!!!!!!! Togekiss is only a normail type wich means it would be naturally weaker and Gallade is a Physic so it is much stronger it can use phsyic moves when its paralized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Scizor is better at attack but I personally think Togekiss is better.
um, hmmmm.... good question. idk, but when u think about it, doesnt gallade seem original? i mean, i like both gallade and medicham but medicham is an older version, right? it might be gallade... idk, maybe gallade could be better......
In my opinion a fighting type that has spd and attck is all you need for ingame. so gallade for sure.
both are good because they both have diffrent types of moves wich is useful.but i think gallade is better,cause it has more speed and sp.defense.
Togekiss cannot evolve
A very good team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Togetic into Togekiss, Male Kirlia into Gallade, Female Snorunt into Frosslass, and several others.
Empolian Probopass Magnezone Togekiss Tangrowth Gallade
Scizor is better at attack but I personally think Togekiss is better.
a togekiss is it is stronger and rarer
Not bad but may I suggest training gabite to evolve to Garchomp??
Zoey from Snowpoint City. She narrowly defeat's Dawn and her Piplup and Togekiss with her newly-evolved Gallade and Glameow
um, hmmmm.... good question. idk, but when u think about it, doesnt gallade seem original? i mean, i like both gallade and medicham but medicham is an older version, right? it might be gallade... idk, maybe gallade could be better......
Well, it depends. If you are battling a fire Pokemon, kingdra would be better to use, but if you are battling a grass Pokemon, gallade would be better to use. Also, gallade has better hp and stats, having evolved four times rather than only three. If I were to carry one in my party, I would probably choose gallade over kingdra, unless I still needed a water Pokemon for the hm surf.
Not bad. I'd probably swap Gallade for Alakazam, which has high Sp. Atk (Psychic moves are mostly Special attacks) and better STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) attacks; also, Togekiss and Staraptor have the same typing (Normal/Flying), so I'd swap Togekiss for Infernape/Empoleon. A good Water/ground like Gastrodon or Whishcash can slaughter this team. Moveset: earthquake/earthpower - KO probopass, electivire surf - KO rhyperior rock slide - KO togekiss, staraptor(In light of that, maybe swap out Probopass for a better-typed defensive Pokemon, like Skarmory or Snorlax) --- umm.. Rhyperior is good, electivire is good, togekiss is good gallade is good ( alakazam has low defense, one hit from gallade and it faints. ) you could replace gallade with azelf, if you don't want a legandary, keep gallade. staraptor needs to be replaced, that poor sp.def wont keep it in the arena very long, so it's starapter attack first, the foe did not get KO, foe attacks with thunderbolt, staraptor faints. replace it with a fire type such as arcanine or if you want unique moves, go with ninetales, it can learn energy ball, which would get rid of ninetale's fears, it can also learn hpynosis which is pretty handy, but ninetale's stats aren't too impressive. you don't need two pokemons that are afraid of ground types, replace it with a water type, go with a bulky water type such as milotic or vaporeon.
If you have a male kirlia it can become gallade, togetic becomes togekiss, and i think it evolves roselia into roserade. There may be others though.
Three of your pokémon are weak to Ground, you should try to fix that.