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Tsutarja, the Grass Snake Pokemon; Pokabu, the Fire Pig Pokemon; and Mijumaru, the Sea Otter Pokemon.

Okay, they have English names now! Isshu has become Unova, Tstarja has become Snivy, Pokabu has become Tepig and Mijimaru has become Oshawott. to learn more, go to Bulbapedia

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Q: What are the starter Pokemon for the Isshu region?
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Can you trade Pokemon from the isshu region to the Sinnoh region?

I think the Isshu region is the same as Unova. And, no you can not trade pokemon from Unova/isshu to any other region because the older games have no data on the new pokemon.

Pokemon fifth Generation?

The 5th generation region is called the Isshu region. The Isshu starters are Tsutaaja, Pokabu, and Mijumaru. The first games to feature the Isshu region and 5th generation Pokemon is called Pokemon Black and white versions in japan.

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The Isshu region~

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Is there a Pokemon region called issue?

No, it is called Isshu.

How do you get to the Isshu region on Pokemon white?

Isshu actually isn't a second region. If you've seen or heard about it well, it means Unova In Japanese!

What kind of Pokémon is there in Pokémon white?

Pokemon from the isshu region

What will the next region be called on Pokemon black and white?

I do know from it is called Isshu Region.

How to get to the second region in Pokemon Black and White?

Unova/Isshu is the only region available in Generation V.

Do Pokemon show still play in japan?

Yes they do they are in the isshu region right now

Will there be a 5th Generation Pokemon Region?

yes there will be it is called isshu and it is for black and white they are released in japan and will be released in Europe in spring 2011 the Japanese region is called isshu the English one is called unova

What is going to be the first Pokemon gym leader's type in Isshu?

It depends on your starter; it can either be fire, water, or grass. It will be the type that is strongest against your starter.