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No it is a starter in the johto region.-evolved from a starter

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Q: Is Charizard a legendary pokemon
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What Pokemon other than the Pokemon Charizard can you mate the Pokemon Charizard with to get the Pokemon charmanard?

use a ditto, ditto will breed with any Pokemon except legendary

How do you get the dragon scale in Pokemon Pearl?

You have to battle a legendary Dragon-Pokemon in Pearl. You will have the greatest chance by facing Giritina, Diagla, Palkia, Darghina, Charizard, or Ghalstone. (Darghina, Charizard, and Ghalstone are not legendary Dragon-Pokemon, but they will supply you with a dragon scale).

Which Pokemon is better Entei or Charizard?

Entei, because he is a legendary Pokemon and he can learn much better moves but on the other hand Charizard because he can use fly

Is Charizard a legendary water Pokemon?

no you dunderhead it is a non legendary fire-flying type that I think i also dragon

What is the best fire type Pokemon?

The best legendary fire type is ho-oh. The best non-legendary fire type Pokemon is charizard.

How do you beat Gary?

Use Charizard And Legendary Pokemon. Train to Level 80. Beat Garyy Is Easy

Should Charizard be a legendary?


How do you get suicon in Pokemon FireRed?

You would have had to chosen Charizard as your starter Pokemon. Whichever legendary dog appears depends on your starter. You will find your legendary dog randomly in the wild. (you must beat the elite four first)

What is the most powerful fire Pokemon as in stats and moves which isn't a legendary?

charizard has humongous high stats, arcanine is excellent.

What legendary dog will you catch if you have a Charizard?


How do you evolve Charizard in Pokemon LeafGreen?

charizard is a fully evolved pokemon.

What type of Pokemon is Charizard?

Charizard is a Fire and Flying type pokemon.