Dawns piplup gets mad with picachu because he lives to go to isshu region so piplup runs away and stuff.O brock leaves to. Its the second time that brock leaves the series so it will be awesome at 12 September to episodes of isshu region will be played
at episode 5 of Pokemon diamond and pearl
The name of the 3rd Episode in Diamond and Pearl was called "When Pokémon Worlds Collide!"
on youtube
If you are talking about the games, Piplup was introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl... Piplup was introduced in the anime Pokemon Diamond and Pearl episode 1, titled "Following a Maiden's Voyage!"
http://www.animecrazy.net/category/more-running-anime/pokemon-diamond-and-pearl/ try this site in a few days
Brocks happiny evolves and stuff...
Pokemon diamond and pearl chocha culo teta bicho
at episode 5 of Pokemon diamond and pearl
The name of the 3rd Episode in Diamond and Pearl was called "When Pokémon Worlds Collide!"
yes ninetails is in a diamond and pearl episode when this lady has a ninetails
the name of the episode is The Keystone Pops!. it is the 56th episode of the Diamond and Pearl Series :3
you get to trade with Pokemon diamond pearl or diamond hope it helps
on youtube
you cant trade Pokemon diamond pearl with leaf green. You can only do that if you trade Pokemon from leaf green to diamond pearl.
If you are talking about the games, Piplup was introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl... Piplup was introduced in the anime Pokemon Diamond and Pearl episode 1, titled "Following a Maiden's Voyage!"
http://www.animecrazy.net/category/more-running-anime/pokemon-diamond-and-pearl/ try this site in a few days
i dont thin enything happens