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Q: What are the odds of catching a lunatone holding a moonstone in sapphire?
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How can you raise the chances of a lunatone holding a moon stone in sapphire?

Quite high same as a solrock with a sunstone in Pokemon ruby LOL

How can the chances of a lunatone in sapphire holding a moon stone increase?

if the first Pokemon in your party has the ability keen eye it increases the chance of wild Pokemon holding items when u find them

How do you get sitrus berry in Pokemon Sapphire?

You catch Linoone and Linoone might be holding the sitrus berry. Bad thing is that they have 5% chance of holding the berry so be patient and keep catching them.

How many moon stones are in Pokemon emerald?

I think you can only find one Yes there is only one but if you had Pokemon sapphire or know someone who does than you can trade someone who has a lunatone which could have a moon stone as a held item. Of course you can give the item to any Pokemon and trade it over to emerald but a wild lunatone won't always have one and one that does is very rare. Also the emerald version doesn't have wild lunatone but solrock which are found in meteor falls and solrock carry sun stones not moon stones of which the likely hood of a wild solrock holding a sun stone is about the same as a lunatone holding a moon stone. But if you have a Pokemon that knows covet or thief you can steal one from a lunatone or solrock. Also useful move to steal held items from trainers' Pokemon.

What level does Seadra evolve into Kingdra in Pokemon sapphire version?

you need to give seadra a dragon scale (which you can obtain by catching or using thief on some dragon Pokemon (bagon for instance) and theres a chance that they will be holding a dragon scale) and then you trade your seadra holding the dragon scale and voila you have a kingdra

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Moonstone in sapphire?

The water stone is used to evolve various water Pokémon. You can get one in Sapphire by trading one for a blue shard on Route 124.

Pokemon sapphire where do you find a Moon Stone?

in the meteor falls or use thief on a lunatone that is holding one or catch a lunatone that is holding one

How can you raise the chances of a lunatone holding a moon stone in sapphire?

Quite high same as a solrock with a sunstone in Pokemon ruby LOL

How can the chances of a lunatone in sapphire holding a moon stone increase?

if the first Pokemon in your party has the ability keen eye it increases the chance of wild Pokemon holding items when u find them

How do you get sitrus berry in Pokemon Sapphire?

You catch Linoone and Linoone might be holding the sitrus berry. Bad thing is that they have 5% chance of holding the berry so be patient and keep catching them.

How many Pokemon are in Pokemon Moon?

I think you can only find one Yes there is only one but if you had Pokemon sapphire or know someone who does than you can trade someone who has a lunatone which could have a moon stone as a held item. Of course you can give the item to any Pokemon and trade it over to emerald but a wild lunatone won't always have one and one that does is very rare. Also the emerald version doesn't have wild lunatone but solrock which are found in meteor falls and solrock carry sun stones not moon stones of which the likely hood of a wild solrock holding a sun stone is about the same as a lunatone holding a moon stone. But if you have a Pokemon that knows covet or thief you can steal one from a lunatone or solrock. Also useful move to steal held items from trainers' Pokemon.

How many moon stones are in Pokemon emerald?

I think you can only find one Yes there is only one but if you had Pokemon sapphire or know someone who does than you can trade someone who has a lunatone which could have a moon stone as a held item. Of course you can give the item to any Pokemon and trade it over to emerald but a wild lunatone won't always have one and one that does is very rare. Also the emerald version doesn't have wild lunatone but solrock which are found in meteor falls and solrock carry sun stones not moon stones of which the likely hood of a wild solrock holding a sun stone is about the same as a lunatone holding a moon stone. But if you have a Pokemon that knows covet or thief you can steal one from a lunatone or solrock. Also useful move to steal held items from trainers' Pokemon.

How do you catch a deoxy on Sapphire?

You can only use GameShark/Action Replay/GameGenie cheat codes for catching a Deoxys in Sapphire because you can only get it through trades or through special events but Nintendo is no longer holding special events for Pokémon Gameboy Advanced games.

What level does Seadra evolve into Kingdra in Pokemon sapphire version?

you need to give seadra a dragon scale (which you can obtain by catching or using thief on some dragon Pokemon (bagon for instance) and theres a chance that they will be holding a dragon scale) and then you trade your seadra holding the dragon scale and voila you have a kingdra

Where can you find a moonstone?

Moonstone can be found in Brazil , Germany, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Sri lanka, Tarcania and the U.S. Sri Lanka produces the most desirable types. It is often found underground. Tunnels are dug 20-30 feet deep and people mine it with a pick axe. Also it can be found in rivers or streams. It is found in chunks of gravel and soil.

Why do you think the king fisher has a long bill?

For catching and then holding fish

How do you get heart scale in Pokemon Sapphire?

You can sometimes find wild Luvdisc holding them or you might be able to find a couple underwater using Dive. catch luvsidicin the sea near victory road, only some luvsidic have haert scale. so, try your luck catching luvsidic.