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You can sometimes find wild Luvdisc holding them or you might be able to find a couple underwater using Dive. catch luvsidicin the sea near victory road, only some luvsidic have haert scale. so, try your luck catching luvsidic.

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catch a ludvisc and it might be holding one

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Q: How do you get heart scale in Pokemon Sapphire?
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Where do you find a heart scale in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Heart scales are only in Pokemon emerald, ruby and sapphire but you can get one if you trade a heart scale from ruby or emerald or sapphire to leafgreen then take it but it will not do anything in the game.

Can you buy a heart scale in Pokemon sapphire?

catch a luvdisc, most of the time they will be holding a heart scale. fish for them. no, you can't buy a heart scale.

Where can you get a heart scale in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you cant get one on leafgreen you have to trade it over from ruby Sapphire or emerald

Where is the guy that wants heart scale in Pokemon sapphire?

The Move Tutor's house is in Fallarbor Town to the left of the Pokemon Contest Hall.

How do you use to heart scale on Sapphire?

A man in Fallarbor trades them to teach one pokemon one move.-Stryker101

Where do you find a heartscale on Pokemon Sapphire Version?

go underwater and dive then look on a dark spot and click a. You haave now obtained a heart scale.

How do you get a dragon scale in Pokemon sapphire?

catch a dragon Pokemon such as horsea and Bagon until you get one holding a dragon scale.

Where do you use heart scale in sapphire?

u give it to a guy in lavaridge town and he will teach your 1 Pokemon a move u give it to a guy in lavaridge town and he will teach your 1 Pokemon a move

Can you get the deepsea scale in Pokemon FireRed?

No only in ruby and sapphire and emerald.

Where do you trade the heart scale in sapphire?

You trade them with the move tutor for a move for any Pokemon that you replaced by mistakely. You find the move tutor in Fallarbour town. His house is next to the Pokemon Contest Centre! By RL9

What is a heart scale used for on Pokemon Platinum?

you use it for the move maniac who reteaches your Pokemon a moves for one heart scale

Where do you get heart scale in Pokemon emerald?

to get a heart dive