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you need to give seadra a dragon scale (which you can obtain by catching or using thief on some dragon Pokemon (bagon for instance) and theres a chance that they will be holding a dragon scale) and then you trade your seadra holding the dragon scale and voila you have a kingdra

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Q: What level does Seadra evolve into Kingdra in Pokemon sapphire version?
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How can you get a Kingdra in pokemon ruby sapphire?

You have to trade seadra while holding a dragon scale

How can you evolve seadra in Pokemon sapphire?

Just trade the Seadra while it's holding a Dragon Scale. It'll evolve into Kingdra.

What level does seadra evolve into Kingdra in Pokemon emerald version?

you have to trade a seadra while it is holding a dragon scale

How do you get kingdra in pokemon soulsilver?

Have your Seadra hold a Dragon Scale, then trade it with a friend. Seadra will then evolve into a Kingdra.

What does dragon scale do in pokemon indigo?

Attach it to seadra then you can evolve it to kingdra all though this item is useless because you can capture a kingdra regularly. you cant catch a kingdra regularly. just attach it to seadra make it hold it and trade seadra and it will evolve into kingdra

Does seadra evolve into Kingdra in Pokemon gold?

Yes, by trading a Seadra equipped with a dragon scale.

How does seadra evolve on Pokemon emerald 386?

Seadra can be evolved into Kingdra by using a water stone

Were do you get a KINDRA on emerald?

to get kingdra you cant evolve it from seadra by gaining lvls, instead you have to make seadra hold a kings rock and trade the seadra to another pokemon game and it will evolve into kingdra

How could you get a kingdra in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you get kingdra by evolving your seadra using a dragon scale.Kingdra can be obtained by trading a Seadra while it holds dragon scale.

What is the dragonscale used for on Pokemon LeafGreen?

to evolve seadra into kingdra

Which Pokemon can be traded with a dragon scale?

Seadra to evolve it into a Kingdra.

What level does seadra evolve into kingdra in Pokemon ruby?

Seadra evolves only if you trade it while its holding a dragon scale then take it back and it will be a kingdra instead.