black puffle: flare
red puffle: blast
pink puffle: loop
blue puffle: bouncer
green puffle: flit
purple puffle: pop
yellow puffle: chirp
white puffle: chill
loop bouncer blast flame flit
At the pet shop!
There are no gray puffles on club penguin, the closest to gray is black.
in club penguin you can now get up tp 20 puffles. (2011)
you cant
loop bouncer blast flame flit
Train with the Elite Puffles Train with the Elite Puffles
yes to call the puffles
There are noactuallynames of the puffles. You can buy them and name them yourself.
You use the Elite Puffles to attack it.
they are there for good looks and they move
attic, boiler room night club and places like that
Case of the missing puffles.
No, you don't have to be a member.
You don't really find it on a game, it comes with the game when you buy it.
The Australian penguin lady is in the dojo but if you have already gotten all of the puffles i don't think she will be in the dojo. Hope this helps.
The green elite puffle's name is Flit.