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you cant

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Q: How do you walk two puffles in Club Penguin?
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Mission 2 on club penguin were footprints of puffles?

on mission two the foot prints are not from puffles

How many puffles can you own at one time on club penguin?

You can have up to two puffles, if your not a member, and if your a member then you can have as many as you want.

In Club Penguin how do you get a free puffle?

On Club Penguin, you can get two puffles if you are a non-member. If you are a member, you can get up to 16 puffles. So, if you are a non-member, there is no way to get a free puffle. Hope this answers your question!

How do you get fish in club penguin?

You cannot get fish as pets in Club Penguin, but you can have puffles. Puffles are a type of pet that you can buy on Club Penguin. If you are not a member, you can only get two puffles, but if you are a member, then you can get more puffles.

Where is the two puffles on club penguin?

on the mountain but you need the grappling hook to climb the mountain

Can two of the same puffles have babies on club penguin?

No, they cant, but that is a good question. How do puffles breed? maybe they breed when we cant see them?

Where are the two puff's in club penguin mission?

the two puffles are on the highest mountain

If you are a secret agent on club penguin where are the two puffles?

On top of the tallest mountain but you have to fix the brown penguin's telescope first.

How do you get a puffle on clubpenguin without being a member?

Well there are two puffles that are free on Club Penguin and they are the blue one and the red one. Hope this helped. My name on Club Penguin is SuperJosh635

Can you get more than two puffles on club penguin?

yes. if you are a member thats not true before i was a member i had ...FOUR puffles how did i do it you ask the whole club penguins greatest creation CODES can get money puffle and clothers with it

How many pairs of socks did g have it in club penguin 2009 in the misson that aunt arctics miss there two puffles?

he has 39

How do you buy puffles without being a member?

If you want more then two puffles on club penguin you have to become a member! Then eventually if your membership runs out you still get to keep the puffles you bought when you were a member, thus you get more then two puffles.