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Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. Pokemon X and Y will be released for the TCG and on 3DS in Fall 2013.

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Q: What are the names of the Pokemon gen 6 starters?
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Related questions

Do you have a choice of starters from different gens in Pokemon gen 6?

Pokemon X and Y allow you to obtain one of the gen1 starters alongside your gen 6 starter.

What starter do you get on Pokemon Battle Revolution?

You do not get starters in battle revolution. You start with a rental pass with 6 Pokemon

How do you trade Pokemon from HeartGold which is in German to Pokemon White which is in English?

It is regrettably not possible because Pokemon white is gen 6 and heart gold is gen 5 therefor rendering them incompatible

What are the six weakest Pokemon from gen 1?

Here are the considerably weakest 6 pokemon in Gen 1:Caterpie, Weedle, Magikarp, Rattata, Pidgey, Paras.

How do you get ultra balls on all Pokemon games?

They cost $1200 in Poke Marts up to Gen 6 & $800 in Gen 7 Poke Marts

What are the top 6 choices for Pokemon emerald to beat the elite 4?

the top 6 pokemon that you should have are blazican sceptile swompurt aggron alakazam and salamence. To aquire these pokemon you need to do some trading with freinds to get the other starters.

Will there be a 7th gen Pokemon game?

I don't know. They still haven't said one word about Generation 6.

What will the next pokemon region be called?

There is no known new region name for the Pokemon gen 6. However Game Freak has confirmed that they will be making more pokemon games. Submitted by: MeowMixTiger

How many new Pokemon will be in gen 6?

No one knows if there is going to be a Generation 6. We're all focusing on Generation 5 right now.

What r the starters in Pokemon Battle Revolution?

You get starter cards which are a girl & a boy card. Each have 6 Pokemon which are the same every time. You can even make a custom card out of your team in Pokemon diamond or pearl. Those are your Pokemon choises.

What is the names of the episodes in Pokemon does Max is wearing just his underwear?


What is the best Pokemon from gen 6?

I would say that Victini and Zekrom are the best pokemon from Gen 6. Kyurem is just so ugly and I dont like Reshiram. The starters are also unbearably ugly. I choose to go through raising a Growlithe and a Phione, water and fire. Personally I think that the small legendarys are the best. Mew, Celebi, Manaphy, Jirachi, Phione, Shaymin, and Victini.