Here are the considerably weakest 6 pokemon in Gen 1:
Caterpie, Weedle, Magikarp, Rattata, Pidgey, Paras.
It is a custom rom where you can catch pokemon from gen 1 to gen 3 in one game.
i happen to think that Magikarp is the weakest fighting Pokemon. it is possible that it learns moves, but it only does 1 ir 2 damage.
Watch the Pokémon rap from the Gen 1 anime, it contains all but one of the Gen 1 Pokémon names.
ANSWER:pokemon don't have characteristics in FireRed/LeafGreen or in any other Gen. 1-3 game. Characteristics aren't created til you port them over to a Gen. 4 game, where the game will create a characteristic accommodating to the current stats of the pokemon.
Squirtle has two abilities:Torrent - The power of Water-type moves increases by 1.5x if the pokemon has
It is a custom rom where you can catch pokemon from gen 1 to gen 3 in one game.
i happen to think that Magikarp is the weakest fighting Pokemon. it is possible that it learns moves, but it only does 1 ir 2 damage.
Watch the Pokémon rap from the Gen 1 anime, it contains all but one of the Gen 1 Pokémon names.
None of the 4th gen Pokemon exist in any of the 1-3 gen Pokemon games meaning nothing like electivire exists in firered or any game before that.
You can't, its only open in 1 Gen Pokemon games.
Yes, but not until after you beat the E4
Nobody knows but Nintendo won't be quitting Pokemon any time soon because they would have and angry mob STRAIGHT up there!
It evolves to Rhydon at level 42 in all Gen 1 games
You have to trade it via Pal Park from a gen. 1 or 3 game.
For Gen 1, you could use Jolteon(replace w/raichu), Machamp w/ Karate Chop, or Snorlax w/ Amnesia, Boltbeam, and other. For Gen 2, you could use Scizor, Tyranitar, or Umbreon
ANSWER:pokemon don't have characteristics in FireRed/LeafGreen or in any other Gen. 1-3 game. Characteristics aren't created til you port them over to a Gen. 4 game, where the game will create a characteristic accommodating to the current stats of the pokemon.
Magikarp.Here's another opinion.Silcoon, Cascoon, Medapot and Kakuna can really only use harden.Here's another opinion.Magikarp is the weakest because the game's PokéDex writers claim that people even say Magikarp is the weakest.Magikarp is weakest until it turns into garydos which is strong.