Moshi Monsters Mash Up Cards can be found in the Moshi Store. Go to the Moshi Monsters site, click Store, and then click the cards. The price will depend on your location.
Yes you can
the code is givin out in moshi monster mashup cards! Hope this has helped you! hey and don't forget to add me: jonasbros99970861446!
The rarest Moshi Monsters Mash Up card is the one made for the winner of the Moshi Mash Up Contest, Rainbow. Otherwise, the Limited Edition cards are the most rare.
First when you have made your account you start as a normal moshi if you want to become a member you have to pay. You can purchase moshi monster membership cards, or sign up for up to a year, thus you become a moshi member
The cards are made by Topps.
Moshi Monsters trading cards are called "Moshi Monsters Mash Up Trading Cards".
there are 33 cards in the pack
It depends on which kind of cards you are asking about. ASDA does sell Moshi Monster Time Cards (for paid membership on Moshi Monsters) in their stores. You have to ask at the counter for the Time Cards. However, there is no information that shows ASDA sells Moshi Monster Mash Up cards.
There is no way to give a precise answer because they continue to add new cards to the Moshi Mash Up Cards. The Moshi Monster Online Store says "100's".
If you mean Mash Up Cards then this will be Mini Ben.
It's 75p for a packet (6 cards)
the cards come out on November 3rd 2011
you can enter codes from packs online for food and items for your virtual monster
Moshi Monsters Mash Up Cards can be found in the Moshi Store. Go to the Moshi Monsters site, click Store, and then click the cards. The price will depend on your location.
Secret codes can be found on Moshi Monsters products such as Mash Up cards, in books, in the Moshi Monsters gift pack.
no such thing exists sorry at least not at the moment