the code is givin out in moshi monster mashup cards! Hope this has helped you!
hey and don't forget to add me: jonasbros99970861446!
The rarest Moshi Monsters Mash Up card is the one made for the winner of the Moshi Mash Up Contest, Rainbow. Otherwise, the Limited Edition cards are the most rare.
Yes you can
Moshi monster mash up cards are cards witch you trade and play with also their are moshling cards and the back tells you what plant you need to get the moshling on the card but be careful there are some moshlings witch need certain coloured plants
Yes, you can have a level 50 Metagross with Meteor Mash. you have to trade it to your Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum through Pal Park. Pal Park opens up after you receive the National Pokedex. (On your DS game...) It learns Meteor mash at level 55. However you can still make a metang not evolve (by pressing b during evolution or giving it an everstone.) and make it learn Meteor mash at level 50 and only let it evolve at 50 (it usually evolves at lv.40)and then you will have a metagross with Meteor mash at level 50.
Blank banners can be purchased via several on-line stores such as Party Cheap and Factory Direct Craft. They can also be purchased at several local party supply shops.
There is no fixed code ie if someone has it only he / she can use it if he / she does use it then the code is useless I have one of the banners you only get them by buying the Mash Up cards them selves add me I'm naomi6416.
it is a mash up card code
This item is given with a secret code in the Moshi Mash Up trading card packs.the code is huuuyhjvc
it comes in a secret mash up moshi monster code pack
If you have a Mash Up card code then you can enter this into the secret code box on the Moshi Monsters sign in page.
top trumps
They come with Moshi Special Codes. If you buy the mashup cards you get codes on some of those. (The Map cards have the codes)
On the website by olivia206
You can find the best place to buy pop-up banners at buildasign website. This website has so many banners you can buy even that you can customize your own banners which is very nice.
If you mean the poster for your room, then this item is given with a secret code in the Moshi Mash Up trading card packs.
You type it in the secret code place where you log in
you enter themash up code in the slugle street for rent