First when you have made your account you start as a normal moshi if you want to become a member you have to pay. You can purchase moshi monster membership cards, or sign up for up to a year, thus you become a moshi member
you cant
You cant buy every clothing item but you can buy some of the clothing items if your not a member
if you are a member you will automatically walk your latest one and you cant unwalk it
You Cant Really! Theres No Way Anybody Could Get One Without A Membership You Have Got To Be A Member Hope This Helped
you cant buy a puffle on clubpenguin if you are not a member you can only buy a red or blue puffle for 800 pounds
For fantage you dont have to pay. but you can if you want to be a premium member. A premium member is a special member who gets extra items that a regular member cant get xoxo Sam
You Cant
no you cant. i am a member on fantage and i cant but i wish i could.
you cant
you cant
you cant.
you cant be a member free
You aren't a member.
you cant if not paid member
You cant be a free member. :(
You cant get tiamo without being a member. How could you think that?
you cant not a member and you cant buy any clothes or furniture sadly