you cant buy a puffle on clubpenguin if you are not a member you can only buy a red or blue puffle for 800 pounds
You buy a puffle in the pet shop and click on the books. You have to be a member
you either have to be a member, or you have to go to a puffle party which is held every one in a while
buy another
Club Penguin is set up to give you a small taste for free. But to really have fun, you have to pay money and become a member. So you need to buy those purple puffles.
There are no clubpenguin hair codes so that means you can buy a member ship or get a code like a small puffle
You don't. You can get a membership and get a member puffle, though.
you have to be a member then you go to the puffle store and buy one
You need to buy a club penguin toy. And its the last page.
a member is when you get to buy cloth and more get to buy puffle and take care of them
Well, I have a white puffle on Club Penguin and I am not a member. What you have to do is go shopping at the market and buy Club Penguin toys (Not Card Jitsu). Those things include Puffle Key rings, Soft Club Penguin toys or Club Penguin figurines. That is how I did it.
Yes, but you must be a member to buy them. They are 800 dollors
backrounds and the color of your skin and a blue and red puffle
To get a white puffle on club penguin without being a member, you have to buy a white puffle toy from a store like Walmart or Toys R Us and unlock the code you get with it online. With this you will get a white puffle. There is no other way to do this.
You buy a puffle in the pet shop and click on the books. You have to be a member
you either have to be a member, or you have to go to a puffle party which is held every one in a while
you can buy it at the puffle shop in the plaza
You can buy a puffle but cant let the puffle get hungry or sad or they will go away for EVER! you cant buy a puffle for someone else. Sorry.