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Club Penguin is set up to give you a small taste for free. But to really have fun, you have to pay money and become a member. So you need to buy those purple puffles.

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Q: How do you get a purple puffle on club penguin without being a member?
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How do you get a purple puffle without being a member?

how do u get a puffle without being a member

Do you have to be a member to get a puffle on club penguin?

You do not have to be a member to get a blue or red puffle, but you do have to be a member to get a green, yellow, pink, purple, brown, black, orange, and white puffles.

How much does the club penguin purple puffle cost?

800 coins, but you need to be a member to get one

Club Penguin how to get a purple puffle?

You have to be a member , go to the pet shop on club penguinNOTE:You have to have 800 coins

Club Penguin puffles can everyone get one?

if you are a member you can get the pink,black,purple,white,green and yellow puffle but if you are not the you can only get the red and blue puffle

Can nonmembers of Club Penguin adopt a purple puffle?

== ==

What is the name of the purple puffle on elite penguin force?


What is the name of cadence's purple puffle in club penguin?


Club penguin can you rescue puffle's and keep it?

Yes and if your a member you can get yellow, white, pink, purple, or black. And if your not a member you can have blue or red. All for 800 coins. Good luck! :)

On Club Penguin when you are playing the mission 'Case of the Missing Puffles' where are the purple and green puffle at?

The green and purple puffle in Case of the Missing Puffles are at the Top of the Biggest Mountain. First, you need to do other steps such as finding the pictures at the Ice Rink that the purple puffle took, and fixing the penguin's telescope.

How do the jackhammer out in club penguin?

you use the purple elite puffle to help you get it out.

Where are all seven puffles on Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force?

The red puffle is in the stage.The yellow puffle is in the book room.The purple puffle is in the lounge.The pink puffle is in the gift shop.The blue puffle is in the attic.The black puffle is in the mine shack.The green puffle is in the forest.