You Cant Really! Theres No Way Anybody Could Get One Without A Membership You Have Got To Be A Member
Hope This Helped
Apse this three times on page click alt -ctrl 5 click f2 4 times u get a golden puffle and membership forever ohh and 10000000000000000000 coins.
you cant buy a puffle on clubpenguin if you are not a member you can only buy a red or blue puffle for 800 pounds
If you are not a member, you can adopt a blue or a red puffle. They are both $800
You have to play black puffle rescue but you have to be a member
if you want to know how to get free member puffle AND membershipclothes,getting into special member parties and BECOMING FREE MEMBER email me at
You don't. You can get a membership and get a member puffle, though.
you cant adopt a black puffle if you are not a member, non-members are only aloud to adopt blue and red puffles.
how do u get a puffle without being a member
You cant get any puffles besides blue and red if your not a member its sucks so much i know
you cant you need to have a membership to buy puffle furniture or unless they have something type of gift for your puffle if you win something but i would keep looking
You cannot anymore because they added the membership for it. There is no way to do it at all without a membership.
you must buy it right before your membership expires! when it does you will still keep the puffle
Adopting a yellow puffle requires Club Penguin Membership. It can be bought by going to the puffle store and selecting it. You will not be able to purchase one without membership.
u cant. u have to spend 6 bucks and get a membership and then u can. there is no other way.
If you buy a member puffle and your membership expires, your puffles remain with you. Puffles and club penguin stamps are the only member items that remain with you when your membership expires. But as you know, if your puffle is equipped and you log off, you will not see the puffle equipped when you log on again. It will still be in your igloo though. So if you want to save your puffles from being taken away with your membership, you need not equip them.
you can't...
the non membership only can get the red or blue puffle you need to be a member to get the other puffles