If you are not a member, you can adopt a blue or a red puffle. They are both $800
you can't get it free but, you can get a cp code from a plush
You can't find wild puffles on Clubpenguin. You can only adopt a puffle at the Pet Shop (which is being remodeled right now) and each costs 800 coins. Non-members can buy the blue and red puffles, and members can buy the pink, black, purple, orange, white, brown, red, and blue puffles.
You get the chevrons on clubpenguin by being on clubpenguin for a while. For instance ive been on clubpenguin for quite a while i dont know how long but i have the blue and orange stripe. I hadnt been a member on clubpenguin for quite a while then i finally got it. it is based on how long you've been on clubpenguin
Not always. To be a member it is only 5 dollars a month and if you choose not to be one ( being a member alows you to do and buy certain things) you can always play as a free non member.
you cant
how do u get a puffle without being a member
you don't
No,you always have to pay for a puffle, unless you hack.
You don't. You can get a membership and get a member puffle, though.
Well there are two puffles that are free on Club Penguin and they are the blue one and the red one. Hope this helped. My name on Club Penguin is SuperJosh635
you can't. you have to be a member. Sorry:(
No because then you will never get it so be a member
You cant.... u have to be a member
You can't!
you cant get a puffle because you are not a mamber
you cant