Not always. To be a member it is only 5 dollars a month and if you choose not to be one ( being a member alows you to do and buy certain things) you can always play as a free non member.
uh yeah all you have to do is go to the sports shop or penguin style then you can pay them
google clubpenguin cheats
i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!
i cant dress my puffules on clubpenguin
You get the chevrons on clubpenguin by being on clubpenguin for a while. For instance ive been on clubpenguin for quite a while i dont know how long but i have the blue and orange stripe. I hadnt been a member on clubpenguin for quite a while then i finally got it. it is based on how long you've been on clubpenguin
You have to pay A lot of money.
You do if you want to be a member,but if not it is free.
no you have to pay :(
You have to be a member. To be a member you have to pay.
you bought it so yea you pay for clubpenguin
No you can't but it would be cool if you could pay clubpenguin money instead.- other answer. my answer: you can have someone give you a gift card, or win one in a contest.
uh yeah all you have to do is go to the sports shop or penguin style then you can pay them
Of course Clubpenguin is free! Well let's say to a certain extent. Clubpenguin IS free if you aren't a member. If you are a member then you have to pay around 5 dollars a month to be a member. But hey, it's Totally worth it! But you can have lots of fun in clubpenguin being a non-member! But yes, Clubpenguin is free to a certain extent!
If you wanna be a member, be human and PAY!!!
no. you can register, but you have to pay to decorate your igloo and buy clothes.