There are many different genres of pc games. They include education, role playing, strategy, tower defense, first person shooter, racing and children.
PC games are games that can only be run on a PC. (Personal Computer) These games cannot be run on a Mac, likewise, Mac games cannot be run on a PC.
You cannot. The PS3 has a very different operating system and machine architecture than Windows and a standard PC.
Games must be redesigned and arr not converted. The PS1 can not play PC games and does not have the capability to play PC games through emulation programs that can be used by a PC to play PS1 games
There are 21 Nancy Drew PC games from Her Interactive in total, with the 22nd coming out this June. However, even thought there are 21 Nancy Drew PC Games, there are 24 Nancy drew games in total, because three games have been made for different platforms (Gameboy Advance, DVD, and Nintendo Wii.)
You can't play nintendo DS games on a PC; you can however find a modular for your PC, which will allow you to download games on the web to play on the PC.
There are several genres of old PC games, many of which are still available for download on the internet if one has a computer which can support the games' play. These genres include arcade games, puzzles, simulations and sports.
The Nintendo DS has many different genres of game that can be played on it. A variety of shooting games, adventure games, and puzzle games are all great genres of games that are playable on the DS.
Bigfish Games offers a variety of games and genres. They have puzzle, adventure, arcade, and even family games for both mac and PC, and even some options for iPhones/iPads.
There is no formal definition of game genres for computer games because the data cannot be compiled. Many modern computer games do not need physical software installation to be sought out and played.
You can not use PS2 games onto a PC the data storage is different and will not run on a PC. A big NO! Games for PC are on a different format than game for Xbox360... although there are games that are made for both PC and Xbox360.
You can't actually. Wii is a totally different type of system when compared to a PC.
The website Game Sloth offers several different genres of browser games. Some of their genres include action, puzzle, racing, sports, and arcade. Their Misc. section has a large variety of other games.
There are a number of genres of games available on AbcArcade. These include puzzle games, bubble games, shooter games, sports games and strategy games.
Some games for the Nintendo 3DS include mario kart, pokemon. There are different genres games for the Nintendo 3DS and it can be adventure, racing, fighting, or shooting games.
Roblox provides a variety of different video games. Some of the different genres include Building, Horror, Town And City, Adventure, Sci-Fi, and Sports.