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Three: Dasher, Dancer, and Donner

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Q: How many of Rudolph the reindeer's eight companions names start with the letter D?
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How many of Rudolph's eight companions names start with D?


How many reindeer including Rudolph pull Santa's sleigh?

Eight reindeers at the back and one rudolf at the front

How many Rudolph's eight companions name start with D?

Dasher, Dancer and Donner, so 3

What reindeer does santa call out first?

Santas Reindeers: IN ORDER!!!!!!!!!!RUDOLPHCOMETCUPIDVIXENDANCERPRANCERBLITZENDASHERDONDERxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Santas reindeers name in order?

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid Donner (or Donder), Blitzen. Those eight have been pulling Santa's sleigh for about 600 yrars. Rudolph is a relative newcomer. He's been leading the sleigh since only 1925.

How many reindeers in Santa sleigh?

Santa has eight reindeer and one that makes nine

How many reindeer's does Santa own?

According to popular culture, Santa Claus has 9 reindeer:DasherDancerPrancerVixenCometCupidDonnerBlitzenRudolph8

Which is not one of Santa's eight reindeer?

Rudolph, he is only there to guide Santa, he does not pull the sleigh

How many times does it say Rudolph in the song Rudolph the red nosed rein deer?

9, Rudolph,Dasher,Dancer,Prancer,Vixen,Comet,Cupid,Donner,Blitzen.And those are the Famous Reindeer of them all.

How did Rudolph become the ninth reindeer?

== == Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was a character invented in 1939 by Robert May, an employee of the Montgomery Ward department store chain. Rudolph appeared in a give-away promotional booklet for the Christmas holiday season that year and became enormously popular through the years. The other eight reindeers"used to laugh and call him names" and wouldn't let him play any "reindeer games". But there was this one "foggy Christmas night" where Rudolph (with his shiny nose) jumped in to lend a hand and lead Santa so he could deliver his gifts - which was well accepted by the reindeer that once gave him a bad time. From that point forward, the other reindeer accepted Rudolph and he would be forever known as the 9th reindeer.

Which reindeer is NOT mentioned in the poem The Night before Christmas?

The reindeer not mentioned in the poem "The Night Before Christmas" is Rudolph. The poem features Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen as the eight reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh. Rudolph was later added to the reindeer lineup in a separate story.

How many Reindeer does santa traditionally have pulling his sleigh?

Eight. In poor visibility, he adds Rudolph as the 9th. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. dasher dancer prancer vixen comet cupid donder blitzen Rudolph and olive