The chances of getting Kyogre is very likely. In my game, he joined on the second time i versed him, so it will probably be the same for you.
You have to beat team aquas leader. His red orb will glow and kyogre will wake up.
Alakazam, Groudon, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Swellow, salamance.
Kyogre is pretty easy to recruit, because he might join your team on your first try, but if not, you can always try again. Make sure you have a Friendbow and/or a high team rank, like Gold or Diamond rank.
Zangoose, the rival of Seviper, is in Emerald, Ruby, and Saphire. Zangoose is also in Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team.
you need to awaken Kyogre[in team aqua's hideout]Groudon[in team maga's hideout] and Rayquaza[in the sky pillar]
The only way to get Kyogre on your team is with a Friend Bow
he is level 60
go to stormy sea and on the 40fl you will find kyogre P.S. you will need dive
Go to stormy sea and there are forty floors till u get to kyogre
yes.......................................................... but U HAVE HAVE TO BE ON LUCARIO RANK WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can get Kyogre in Stormy Sea, 40F. You have a 50% chance of recruiting Kyogre to start with, if you defeat it.
u fight koyger
Like Kyogre it has a 50% chance(or maybe you "cant" recruit it)
recruit kyogre from stormy sea
50 floors.
Kyogre is a Water Type Pokemon. Water Type Pokemon are weak against Electric and Grass Types.