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Another place which is good for Chinchompas are the mummies in the chaos tunnels, these are around the same experience as the monkeys from 'Monkey Madness'.

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Q: What are the best ways to get ranged experience in RuneScape?
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How many ways are there to get a limpwart root on runescape?

There are 2 ways to get a limpwurt root. You can either kill monsters, or buy them from players. Probably the best monsters to get these from would be Hill Giants(28) or Hobgoblins(32) Hope this helps!

What is the fastest way to make runescape gold?

Just try several ways and see which works best. Try to calculate how much you earn per hour with different methods.

Fast ways to make money in runescape?

Do woodcutting once lvl 60 you can get millions in a week if you play a lot

How can you play RuneScape classic?

You cannot become a Runescape classic member anymore. You have to be a classic member before the conversion to Runescape 2. The Runescape classic is only available to member. The only ways to play runescape classic is to get a classic account, which is illegal as account sharing/purchase is ban-able and playing on private servers count as third-party, which is also a ban-able offense now, since swiftswitch.

What is the fastest and most efficient way to train range in runescape using weapon?

runescape training involves hitting any monster with magic, ranged, and melee the more advanced bows only work with certain arrows and you need a higher level at level 30 you can get a oak bow i believe or is it a willow no matter the more more advanced the arrow is the more advanced your bow has to be the more you inflict high damage the more xp you get in range. ~Angelsblade0 says,~ the fastest, and most efficiant ways are two diffrent ways. the fastest way is to go to chaos tunnes mummies', or apetoll zombie monkies with chins, range/pray pots, and the best range armour u can get(full void or arma wuld be recomended). the most effeciant way to train range is training while doing slayer assingments as your leveling two skills at once.

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Who is the best RuneScape player?

"Best" can be measured in many ways - richest, most experience, longest playing, etc.As of November 14th 2009, Gertjaars has the highest overall hi-score of 1,848,184,048.

What is a list of the best ways to get to level 60 attack in RuneScape?

There is really only one way to get a significant amount of attack experience: fight. You can use an attack style that only gives you attack experience, that way you get more attack experience (but no defense and strength experience).

What are ways to type in RuneScape?

With your keybored.

What is the best ways to make money or runescape?

Get some resource - for example through mining, or killing cows or chickens - and then sell it.

What is the best thing for a level 20 crafting to make for xp in runescape?

Answer: for a member it is a vegtable sack when u get 21 for a non member it would be leather chaps hope i helped Answer: Cutting gems gives you very fast experience. It is also one of the most expensive ways to get experience. At level 20, you can cut sapphires.

What are ways for training summoning without making pouches in runescape?

Soulwar is the best one to train summoning without charms and pouches.

What are some ways to earn bearbills?

You on about runescape ?

Which ways are considered the best ways on how to make money in the game RuneScape?

The best way to make money in RuneScape appears to be woodcutting. At higher levels, this skill will give you a large yield. This is preferred over, for example, mining, because it takes a great deal of effort to attain high levels in the mining skill compared to woodcutting.

How many ways can you pay for runescape?

The number of ways varies, depending on the country. It would be best to select "membership" on the main site, select your country, and see what options there are for your specific country.

Can you pick up a fire cape if it is dropped on runescape?

There is loads of different ways of getting the Fire Cape, too many to give you a specific one that would be effective, and it all depends on you combat + Ranged Levels, though all i can say is Range with Guthans is effective.

What are fast ways to earn levels in runescape?

The best way is to battle guards in character's name is bronzeshine..I'm lvl 74.

Where is magic mage on RuneScape?

There is no "magic mage" on RuneScape. There are various ways to train magic, and there are various mages, or wizards.