There are 2 ways to get a limpwurt root. You can either kill monsters, or buy them from players. Probably the best monsters to get these from would be Hill Giants(28) or Hobgoblins(32)
Hope this helps!
Yes, there are many ways to get membership on RuneScape. The only problem, is that there are many problems... The advertisements for sites that say you can get free membership is a complete scam. Also, trying to hack RuneScape or actually getting caught using membership for free will result in banning. It is still fun to pay AND play with a membership. I use my own money and it's worth it. It is your choice though...
Do woodcutting once lvl 60 you can get millions in a week if you play a lot
You cannot become a Runescape classic member anymore. You have to be a classic member before the conversion to Runescape 2. The Runescape classic is only available to member. The only ways to play runescape classic is to get a classic account, which is illegal as account sharing/purchase is ban-able and playing on private servers count as third-party, which is also a ban-able offense now, since swiftswitch.
There are easier ways to make money than that. Do fishing.
Another place which is good for Chinchompas are the mummies in the chaos tunnels, these are around the same experience as the monkeys from 'Monkey Madness'.
There are many ways to get a weapon in runescape such as: killing monsters making them from smithing them or buying them from various stores.
There are many ways to get Runescape money. For a start, you might kill a few chickens and sell the raw chicken at the Grand Exchange.
With your keybored.
You on about runescape ?
There is no "magic mage" on RuneScape. There are various ways to train magic, and there are various mages, or wizards.
Scamming will get you banned and there are many ways to do so. But no matter which way you try JAGEX moderators will catch. Believe me!
Yes in many ways it is! Go to this link to find out
The number of ways varies, depending on the country. It would be best to select "membership" on the main site, select your country, and see what options there are for your specific country.
Herblore* can be trained in many ways - for example; cleaning hearbs, making potions etc as well as certain quests.
There are many ways to make money on RuneScape; an easy way is to get some resource and sell it. Some options include mining, fishing, woodcutting, or killing certain creatures such as cows or chickens.
There are many ways. Basically you have to get some resources that you can sell - for example, mining, doing woodcutting, or fishing.