Thunder stones, Water stones, Fire stones, Leaf stones, Shiny stones, Dusk stones, Oval stones, Moon stones, Sun stones.
Stones don't evolve
If you are talking about POKEMON then they can evolve different pokEmon.
yes, cheats or using stones in the game. Some Pokemon can't evolve without stones or special ways to evolve, so check about whether or not the Pokemon youre trying to evolve needs a special evolution. Bug Pokemon evolve fast.
It depends on the Pokemon. Some of them you have to evolve by using stones. Others don't evolve at all. There is not one level that all Pokemon evolve at(unless you use an everstone on them until level 99, then level it up once more to level 100, but that would be a waste of time).
witch Pokemon evolve with stones in soul silver
No stones at all.
Thunder stones, Water stones, Fire stones, Leaf stones, Shiny stones, Dusk stones, Oval stones, Moon stones, Sun stones.
Stones don't evolve
If i were you I would probably go to
Well, this may not be helpful, but Fire stones evolve some fire Pokemon... Sun stones also evolve fire Pokemon, (Fire stone, Thunder stone and Water stone also evolve "Eevee", the Pokemon you get after completing sinnoh dex.
Some Pokemon can only evolve with Evolution Stones. Others can only evolve when traded. Most, though, must reach a certain level to evolve. The rest don't evolve at all.
Pokemon that evolve with stones
If you are talking about POKEMON then they can evolve different pokEmon.
No, various Pokemon need stones, some evolve with certain items, some in a trade, or some just by leveling up.
most of the stones (moon stone, thunder stone, leaf stone, sun stone, dawn stone, dusk stone, oval stone, shiny stone, ....etc.....) make Pokemon evolve. However, the everstone prevent the holder from evolving.