there are no Pokemon in the dotted hole all there is are the sapphire
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U get all the Pokemon you can't go to the johto region in pkmn ruby/Sapphire you can only do that in Pokemon emerald
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
NO, unfortunately Pokemon blue, red and yellow are all first generation Pokemon games and Pokemon sapphire is third generation. You can trade Pokemon from blue to games like gold and silver, but not games like firered and sapphire.
Yes. There are alot of gliches in pokemon Sapphire good ones to.
Not if you don't hack.........
you can not
All Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire can breed. Except for all legendaries.
i don't know why but my sableye turned into a bad egg and i didn't use cheats
All of the pokemon games have glitches in. Although you will notice that the older the games get the higher the amount of glitches there will be.
I'm sorry there is no possible way unless you cheat. sorry!
There is a cloning glitch in emerald.
no. none at all.
train all your Pokemon equally