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Q: What is the code for Pokemon all obey you in Pokemon sapphire?
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Code breaker for Pokemon sapphire?

A789CFF3 ADEF435PKMN - Have all badges

What is the pokem sapphire action replay code for have all Pokemon?

the code is here it is READY!!Back to the code 940057385590 ANDTHERE YOU HAVE IT

What Pokemon can breed in Pokemon Sapphire?

All Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire can breed. Except for all legendaries.

What is the action replay code to make all Pokemon at any level even in trade obey you even if i have no gym badges in Pokemon Platinum?

There is no code like that.

What is the action replay code to get all shiny Pokemon 1-386 in the PC in Pokemon ruby or sapphire?

Master code: DE00AAFD 2EBD05D0 530823D9 16558191 Code for shiny pokemon: 8636B1D6 CA4AB2A9 18452A7D DDE55BCC

What is the action replay code for making all Pokemon obey you on platinum version?

it is not a cheet just beet all 8 gyms

Can Pokemon obey you from trades?

It depends in which Pokemon game, but in the newest games (Diamond/Pearl) You will need to earn badges to get a higher level for them to obey. if you have all 8, all Pokemon will obey you.

Where do you find a Blaziken if you've already got mudkip as your starter Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire?

you have to have a cheat code thats all i know do u know where to type the cheat code and where the cheat code is? and how do i type it in?

How do you get all Pokemon to obey you in Pokemon Leaf Green?

Simply beat Giovanni in Viridian City and get the Earthbadge: it makes all Pokemon obey you.ORAll Pokemon obey you, the badges are for Pokemon traded from other games.

Why wont the Pokemon you traded in Pokemon Diamond obey your commands?

Badges allow Pokemon obey to a certain level. Once you get all badges, any traded Pokemon will obey at any level.

In Pokemon emerald what badge lets Pokemon obey you?

These are the Gym Badges that make your Pokemon obey:Knuckle Badge: Pokemon up to level 30 obey you.Heat Badge: Pokemon up to level 50 obey you.Feather Badge: Pokemon up to level 70 obey you.Rain Badge: All Pokemon regardless of their level will obey you.

What is the action replay code in the German Pokemon sapphire edition for all wild Pokemon are level 100?

Go to www.code It has all kinds of cheat codes for action replays.