NO, unfortunately Pokemon blue, red and yellow are all first generation Pokemon games and Pokemon sapphire is third generation. You can trade Pokemon from blue to games like gold and silver, but not games like firered and sapphire.
Not available on Sapphire. You have to trade from FireRed/LeafGreen
You can do this after you find the Ruby and the Sapphire for Celio in Pokemon FireRed. then you can trade with Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald.
You can 'MIGRATE' Pokemon but, I don't think that you can trade them because the sapphire version is for the GBA and Pokemon Soul Silver is for the NDS.
Sorry in order to get one on Pokemon sapphire you have to trade with Pokemon ruby or. i think you can get it in emerald
do u mean Pokemon blue or do you mean SAPPHIRE You trade to SAPPHIRE the normal way but u cant trade to blue
no u cant
You can't trade pokémon from Blue to Sapphire.
No, you can't
trade a blue shard with the treasure hunter
No you cannot trade from Sapphire to Platinum. The closest thing that you can do to that is migrate from Sapphire to Platinum.
You can trade with another sapphire, ruby, emerald, firered, leafgreen, Pokemon colosseum, Pokemon xd gale of darkness and Pokemon box ruby and sapphire.
i dont think you can trade from sapphire.
No, you can only migrate Pokemon from sapphire to pearl
You have get Pokemon ruby and then get it and trade it to Pokemon sapphire. hope i helped!!!