Sorry in order to get one on Pokemon sapphire you have to trade with Pokemon ruby or.
i think you can get it in emerald
I do not believe there is a mawile in sapphire. Otherwise no i don't know where to get one!
Nowhere no hoenn Pokemon can be captured in leafgreen.
How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire
There are many Pokemon you catch that are similar in sapphire and emerald but there are many Pokemon emerald can only get and not sapphire.
Surskit, Masquerain, Mawile, Tropius, Illumise, and Roselia all learn Sweet Scent.
You cannot catch Mawhile in Sapphire. You must trade it from Ruby/Emerald.
you can't
I do not believe there is a mawile in sapphire. Otherwise no i don't know where to get one!
You can't catch seedot, nuzleaf, shiftry, mawile, zangoose, solrock, Groudon, or latios.
You have get Pokemon ruby and then get it and trade it to Pokemon sapphire. hope i helped!!!
You can't, you HAVE to trade one from Ruby.
It can be captured at victory road.
Mawille can only be caught in Pokemon Ruby unfortunately
Mawile? I traded it from Ruby and looked for it's locaton.....Nah! U can't catch it here! Hope i helped-L.G.
mawile, groudon, latias, seedot,
you need to trade it from ruby
Sablye, Mawile, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Latias, and Kyogre are exclusive to Sapphire. Is that what you are asking?