Surskit, Masquerain, Mawile, Tropius, Illumise, and Roselia all learn Sweet Scent.
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Answer to Pokemon qyou have to train grass-type Pokemon or catch an oddish. there is no place to go in the game to get the sweet scent. Also most Tropius know the move when you first catch the
i dont know because im stuck to
I do not believe there is a mawile in sapphire. Otherwise no i don't know where to get one!
As far as I Know Chansey is not on the Pokemon Sapphire you can trade it from other versions like fire red or leaf green
A tropius should know sweet scent once you catch it
Answer to Pokemon qyou have to train grass-type Pokemon or catch an oddish. there is no place to go in the game to get the sweet scent. Also most Tropius know the move when you first catch the
Catch a female Combee and evolve it to level 21. It will learn sweet scent at evolution. Or you can get a Roselia and put it in Day-Care, I don't know what level it learns but when I get it back at lvl 33 it has the move sweet scent
i dont know because im stuck to
Roselia is the only one that comes straight off the top of my head.
if you catch a carnivine it will know it it can be caught at the great marsh
I don't know if its the same in Sapphire but in ruby its in that cave south west of falabror town, go to the area where you get the TM dragon claw i think (its the northern most room) and use sweet scent, its more likely to apear that way. I found it on like the third time using it
A combee knows sweet scent, to get a combee put honey in a honey tree. If you want to evolve combee into vespiquen get a female combee
you have to train grass-type Pokemon or catch an oddish. there is no place to go in the game to get the sweet scent. Also most Tropius know the move when you first catch it
Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Oddish, Gloom, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Bellossom, Surskit, Masquerain, Mawile, Illumise, Roselia, and Tropius can all learn it by leveling up or having them remember the move again. Paras, Shuckle, and Lotad can learn it by breeding.
to get a hidden machine for Pokemon sapphire you have to..... ask someone else because i don't know