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Q: What Pokemon know sweet scent Pokemon emerald?
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What Pokemon know sweet scent Pokemon sapphire?

Surskit, Masquerain, Mawile, Tropius, Illumise, and Roselia all learn Sweet Scent.

Where do you get sweet scent in Pokemon sapphire?

Answer to Pokemon qyou have to train grass-type Pokemon or catch an oddish. there is no place to go in the game to get the sweet scent. Also most Tropius know the move when you first catch the

How do you get sweet scent in Pokemon platinum?

i dont know because im stuck to

Which Pokemon know sweetscent in Sapphire?

A tropius should know sweet scent once you catch it

How do you get sweet scent on Pokemon Sapphire?

Catch a female Combee and evolve it to level 21. It will learn sweet scent at evolution. Or you can get a Roselia and put it in Day-Care, I don't know what level it learns but when I get it back at lvl 33 it has the move sweet scent

What Pokemon know sweet scent Pokemon ruby?

Roselia is the only one that comes straight off the top of my head.

What Pokemon can learn sweet scent in diamond pearl or plantnuim?

if you catch a carnivine it will know it it can be caught at the great marsh

What Pokemon can learn sweet scent?

A combee knows sweet scent, to get a combee put honey in a honey tree. If you want to evolve combee into vespiquen get a female combee

Where to catch relicanth emerald?

Relicanth is in Underwater near Sootopolis City. I suggest to use move Sweet Scent (some grass pokemon have this move), so you can find underwater pokemon easily. You know, underwater pokemon only appear in seaweed, and Relicanth is quite rare. So, good luck, honey! :D

Were to get the move sweet sent in ruby?

you have to train grass-type Pokemon or catch an oddish. there is no place to go in the game to get the sweet scent. Also most Tropius know the move when you first catch it

Where to find pikatchu in Pokemon Emerald?

You can catch pikachu by going to the Safari Zone in Ruby and then go into the grass in the safari zone and you will find a pikachu edventually. First you need a Acro Bike from the Mauville bike shop. Then you need a Pokemon that know's sweet scent (Tropius). Then you go to the Safari Zone and use the Acro Bike to go on the metal pole that you can not walk on or use the Mach Bike on. Then you go to the far right corner and use sweet scent in the grass. You will soon find a Pikachu or Raichu.

Do you know The Missingno code for Pokemon emerald?

no there is no missingno glitch in emerald