The order is bulbasaur, ivysaur, venosaur, charmander, charmeleon, charizard, squirtle, wartortle, blastoise, caterpie, metapod, butterfree, weedle, kakuna, beedrill, pidgey, pidgeotto, pidgeot, rattata, raticate, spearow, fearow, ekans, arbok, pikachu, raichu, sandshrew, sandslash, nidoran(girl), nidorina, nidoqueen, nidoran(boy), nidorino, nidoking, clefairy, clefable, vulpix, ninetales, jigglypuff, wigglytuff, zubat, golbat, oddish, gloom, vileplume, paras, parasect, venonat, venomoth, diglett, dugtrio, meowth, persian, psyduck, golduck, mankey, primeape, growlithe, arcanine, poliwag, poliwhirl, poliwrath, abra, kadabra, alakazam, machop, machoke, machamp, bellsprout, weepinbell, victreebel, tentacool, tentacruel, geodude, graveler, golem, ponyta, rapidash, slowpoke, slowbro, magnemite, magneton, farfetch'd, doduo, dodrio, seel, dewgong, grimer, muk, shellder, cloyster, gastly, haunter, gengar, onix, drowzee, hypno, krabby, kingler, voltorb, electrode, exeggcute, exeggutor, cubone, marowak, hitmonlee, hitmonchan, lickitung, koffing, weezing, rhyhorn, rhydon, chansey, tangela, kangaskhan, horsea, seadra, goldeen, seaking, staryu, starmie, Mr. mime, scyther, jynx, electabuzz, magmar, pinsir, tauros, magikarp, gyarados, lapras, ditto, eevee, vaporeon, jolteon, flareon, porygon, omanyte, omastar, kabuto, kabutops, aerodactyl, snorlax, articuno, zapdos, moltres, dratini, dragonair, dragonite, mewtwo, mew, chikorita, bayleef, maganium, cyndaquil, quilava, typhlosion, totodile, croconaw, feraligatr, sentret, furret, hoothoot, noctowl, ledyba, ledian, spinarak, ariados, crobat, chinchou, lanturn, pichu, cleffa, igglybuff, togepi, togetic, natu, xatu, mareep, flaaffy, ampharos, bellossom, marill, azumarill, sudowoodo, politoed, hoppip, skiploom, jumpluff, aipom, sunkern, sunflora, yanma, wooper, quagsire, espeon, umbreon, murkrow, slowking, misdreavus, unow, wobbuffet, girafarig, pineco, forretress, dunsparce, gligar, steelix, snubbull, granbull, qwilfish, scizor, shuckle, heracross, sneasel, teddiursa, ursaring, slugma, magcargo, swinub, piloswine, corsola, remoraid, octillery, delibird, mantine, skarmory, houndour, houndoom, kingdra, phanpy, donphan, porygon 2, stantler, smeargle, tyrogue, hitmontop, smoochum, elekid, magby, miltank, blissey, raikou, entei, suicune, larvitar, pupitaar, tyranitar, lugia, ho-oh, celebi, treecko, grovyle, sceptile, torchic, combusken, blaziken, mudkip, marshtomp, swampert, poochyena, mightyena, zigzagoon, linoone, wurmple, silcoon, beautifly, cascoon, dustox, lotad, lombre, ludicolo, seedot, nuzleaf, shiftry, taillow, swellow, wingull, pelipper, ralts, kirlia, gardevoir, surskit, masquerain, shroomish, breloom, slakoth, vigoroth, slaking, nincada, ninjask, shedninja, whismer, loudred, exploud, makuhita, hariyama, azurill, nosepass, skitty, delcatty, sableye, mawile, aron, lairon, aggron, meditite, medicham, electrike, manectric, plusle, minun, volbeat, illumise, roselia, gulpin, swalot, carvanha, sharpedo, wailmer, wailord, numel, camerupt, torkoal, spoink, grumpig, spinda, trapinch, vibrava, flygon, zangoose, seviper, lunatone, solrock, barboach, whiscash, corphish, crawdaunt, baltoy, claydol, lileep, cradily, anorith, armaldo, feebas, milotic, castform, kecleon, shuppet, banette, duskull, dusclops, tropius, chimeho, absol, wynaut, snorunt, glalie, spheal, sealeo, walrein, clamperl, huntail, gorebyss, relicanth, luvdisc, bagon, shelgon, salamence, beldum, metang, metagross, regirock, regice, registeel, latias, latios, kyogre, groudon, rayquaza, jirachi, deoxys, turtwig, grotle, torterra, chimchar, monferno, infernape, piplup, prinplup, empoleon, starly, staravia, staraptor, bidoof, bibarel, kricketot, kricketune, shinx, luxio, luxray, budew, roserade, cranidos, rampardos, shieldon, bastiodon, burmy, wormadam, mothim, combee, vespiquen, pachirisu, buizel, floatzel, cherubi, cherrim, shellos, gastrodon, ambipom, drifloon, drifblim, buneary, lopbunny, nismagius, honchkros, glameow, purugly, chingling, stunky, skuntank, bronzor, bronzong, bonsly, mime jr., happiny, chatot, spiritomb, gible, gabite, garchomp, munchlax, riolu, lucario, hippopotas, hippowdon, skorupi, drapion, croagunk, toxicroak, carnivine, finneon, lumineon, mantyke, snover, abomasnow, weavile, magnezone, lickilicky, rhyperior, tangrowth, electivire, magmortar, togekiss, yanmega, leafeon, glaceon, gliscor, mamoswine, porygon-z, gallade, probopass, dusknoir, froslass, rotom, uxie, mesprit, azelf, dialga, palkia, heatran, regigigas, giratina, cresselia, phione, manaphy, darkrai, shaymin, archeus. That's all 493!
All three on!
you get either Pokemon sapphire or ruby and you link and restart the whole game on ruby or sapphire pick out a Pokemon and get to a Pokemon center and link to the other gba and trade for another Pokemon and repeat like twice
go to littleroot go uo to the fist piece of grass you see then take a left, up, down than a 360 then lugia will appear then all Pokemon in order of your pokedex will appear go to littleroot go uo to the fist piece of grass you see then take a left, up, down than a 360 then lugia will appear then all Pokemon in order of your pokedex will appear
The related link below is an up-to-date list of all Pokemon games, ordered by release date in Japan, the US, Europe and other countries since Pokemon Red and Green's release in 1996.
Get all eight badges from the johto region and then beat the Pokemon league to go to kanto
here they are in alphabetical order ALL OF THEM :)
All three on!
all random.
If you mean water pokemon then they all evovle at a certain order.
A Pokémon Handbook.
i mean is it in peldulburg maulville where
i don't know the answer to this question so please search another link in order to sucesssfully find your answer. dude if there were shadow Pokemon they would have shown it in all the commercials and on all the websites.
Last time I checked, only in Emerald did you have to capture every Pokemon for the PokeDex to be complete.
That's a pretty tall order... look up an online pokedex and it might help
first you beat the game on Pokemon ranger then you beat all ranger net missons and then it will say get manaphy egg on the bottom of all missons
you can only catch them if you get all the badges in all regions. or pay to get a golden membership. remember, you only get the chance to catch them
you get either Pokemon sapphire or ruby and you link and restart the whole game on ruby or sapphire pick out a Pokemon and get to a Pokemon center and link to the other gba and trade for another Pokemon and repeat like twice