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None of them make GS balls. The GS ball was an event item in the original games.

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Q: What appricorn makes a GS ball in Pokemon soul silver?
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What apricorn makes a gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

silver apricorn

What apricorn makes the gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

other people say it is a silver apricorn but i am not sure i dont know where it is either

What color apercorn is the gs ball in Pokemon Silver?

its the silver apercorn in Pokemon silver and its the gold apercorn in Pokemon gold

In Pokemon Silver How do You catch?

in Pokemon silver you can catch Pokemon as how you catch in other versions. in the Silver version is where the use of special Poke balls were introduced just like Fast Ball, Heavy Ball and Lure Ball.

What apricot do you give kurt to get the gs ball?

a silver apricorn makes a GS ball in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver.

Does Kurt use apricots poke ball?

Kurt makes pokeballs from like acorns i think. hope this was helpful. - Friend Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Green Apricorn. Makes Pokemon caught more friendly. - Level Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Red Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of a lower level. - Love Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Pink Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of the opposite gender to the lead Pokemon better. - Moon Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Yellow Apricorn. Catches Pokemon better at night. - Lure Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Blue Apricorn. Catches Water-type Pokemon more easily. - Heavy Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Black Apricorn. Catches heavy Pokemon better. - Fast Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a White Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of a higher speed or Pokemon most likely to flee.

Where can you get a great ball or master ball in Pokemon diamond?

there is no master ball in diamond and also great ball. but there is silver ball-silver ball is like a master ball.

What Pokemon have you to catch with master ball in Pokemon soul silver?


What apricorn turns into a gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

the silver apricorn

Where is the ball maker on Pokemon Silver?

The person who makes custom balls, he is in a house in Azelea town in Johto, next to the entrance of ilex forest

Is there a second master ball in Pokemon soul silver?


What is the cheat to get the gs ball in Pokemon SILVER?
