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Q: What Pokemon will play with wormadam in Pokemon Pearl?
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Who is Sandy Cloak Wormadam in Pokemon?

Sandy Cloak Wormadam is found in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. It is a bug Pokemon with an overcoat.

Can you see wormadam in eterna forest in pokemon pearl?

No, but you can get a burmy through honey trees and then evolve it into wormadam.

How do you get wordan in Pokemon pearl for DS?

Wormadam is a Pokemon from the Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum video games. It is obtained by leveling a female Burmy to level 20. A male Burmy will not evolve into Wormadam, but instead into Mothim.

Were can I find a wormadam on Pokemon pearl?

get burmy from a honey tree and evolve

Where can i find a trainer on Pokemon pearl that has wormadam?

Route 214 threres a beauty fight her because wormadam is her pokemon ahh its only lvl 25 Anddd its her only pokemon:(

What is the 46th Pokemon in the Sinnoh dex?

Diamond and Pearl Sinnoh Dex: 46# Wormadam Platinum Sinnoh Dex: 46# Wormadam

How do you find wormadam in Pokemon pearl?

Evolve a female burmy at lv 20.

What Pokemon do you have to see to get the national pokedex in Pokemon pearl?

you have to see all of them. i had trouble finding a wormadam holding trainer.

Where do you get wormordam on Pokemon pearl?

all you have to do is evolve a female burmy to lv. 20 and then you'll get a wormadam. the same you do with a male burmy but you'll get a mothim instead of a wormadam

What level does wormadam to mothim evolve in Pokemon pearl?

Wormadam doesn't evolve into Mothim. Burmy evolves into either Wormadam or Mothim depending its gender. Male Burmy evolves into Mothim at Level 20 and Female Burmy evolves into Wormadam at Level 20.

What is Pokemon 46 on pearl?

Pokemon #46 is Wormadam. If you need any other help go to On the side in the diamond and pearl section it has a pokedex option, click there and you will see all the pokemon.

In Pokemon pearl how do you find a wormadam?

You have to evolve a FEMALE BURMY at Level 20. If not female it evolves into a Mothim.