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Wormadam is the highest evolved form of Burmy. You cannot evolve Wormadam.

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Q: How do you evolve Wormadam in Pokemon Heartgold?
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How do you evolve womadam in Pokemon platinum?

Wormadam does not evolve.

What Pokemon is no.46 on Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot find this Pokemon in the wild, you have to evolve a female burmy at lv.20. Or you can try the GTS.

Where do you see a wormadam in platnium?

In order to get a wormadam in Pokemon Platinum, you need to catch a female Burmy and evolve it.

Can you see wormadam in eterna forest in pokemon pearl?

No, but you can get a burmy through honey trees and then evolve it into wormadam.

How do you evolve wormadam in Pokemon platinum?

You can't. If you want a Mothim, you catch a male Burmy, because only the males evolve into Mothim. They don't even go through the Wormadam stage. Females only evolve into Wormadam.

How do you evolve wormadam?

you have to get a leaf stone to evolve wormadam

Were can I find a wormadam on Pokemon pearl?

get burmy from a honey tree and evolve

What does the green burmy evolve into in Pokemon diamond?

wormadam plant cloak

When does wormadam evolve?

Wormadam doesn't evolve. A female Burmy will evolve into Wormadam, but a male Burmy will evolve into Mothim, at level 20.

What level does wormadam to mothim evolve in Pokemon pearl?

Wormadam doesn't evolve into Mothim. Burmy evolves into either Wormadam or Mothim depending its gender. Male Burmy evolves into Mothim at Level 20 and Female Burmy evolves into Wormadam at Level 20.

How do you find wormadam in Pokemon pearl?

Evolve a female burmy at lv 20.

In Pokemon HeartGold can you evolve sableye?

No, Sableye does not evolve.