Route 214 threres a beauty fight her because wormadam is her pokemon
ahh its only lvl 25 Anddd its her only pokemon:(
You can find a beauty at Route 214 with a Wormadam at lvl 25.
in the national dex 46 is paras and 80 is slowbro but in the sinnoh dex 46 is wormadam and 80 is barboach
Wormadam doesn't appear in the wild. the only way to get it is via trade or evolving a female burmy
There's one simple answer: trade! Cranidos is to Diamond as Shieldon is to Pearl, so find a friend who has Pearl and trade with them.
There is no trainer in Pokemon Platinum with a Manaphy. However, you can trade with someone who has a Manaphy, or complete the special Ranger mission in Pokemon Ranger and transfer the Manaphy egg over to Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
Route 214
get burmy from a honey tree and evolve
Evolve a female burmy at lv 20.
You cannot find this Pokemon in the wild, you have to evolve a female burmy at lv.20. Or you can try the GTS.
You can find a beauty at Route 214 with a Wormadam at lvl 25.
46 is Wormadam. A trainer within Route 214 has 1.
You have to evolve a FEMALE BURMY at Level 20. If not female it evolves into a Mothim.
really grassy areas
Pokemon #46 is on route 214 an there is a girl trainer that is a beauty based one and she has blond hair, she wll have a wormadam.
Find Burmy first and hope its a female if so train it until it evolves it will become Wormadam.
In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, you find a old man at route 212 with a Leafeon.
you can find one on route 214 which is by vielstone city. the person who has it is a girl who has blonde hair. she has all three wormadams.