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There is no trainer in Pokemon Platinum with a Manaphy.

However, you can trade with someone who has a Manaphy, or complete the special Ranger mission in Pokemon Ranger and transfer the Manaphy egg over to Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.

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Q: Where do you find a trainer with a manaphy in Pokemon Platinum?
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Where can you find a trainer that as manaphy in Pokemon Platinum?

there isn't one you go to the Pokemon mansion and behind mr.blackout or something there is a book you read it and then manaphy is in your pokedex

Where to find the egg of manaphy in Pokemon platinum?

you have to do the mission in Pokemon rangers(manaphy egg mission)and trade it to your platinum you can get phione by breeding manaphy with ditto at the day care.(its not fair to have 2 games for just a Pokemon in platinum)

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How cani find manaphy in Pokemon Diamond?

To get a Manaphy in Pokemon Diamond you have to get Pokemon ranger and defeat it and you have to trade it to Pokemon Diamond,Platinum or Pearl.

Were do you find manaphy in Pokemon platimun?

To receive a Manaphy in Pokemon Platinum, you must send over a Manaphy Egg from the game Pokemon Ranger after completing a special mission involving Manaphy.

Where can you find Manaphy in Pokemon Platinum after I finish the sinnioh Pokemon?

You can't "find" him. You have to trade the egg from Pokemon ranger over to platinum, where you can hatch it.

Where do you find information on phione in Pokemon platinum?

info on manaphy in Pokemon mansion. trade for manaphy, and breed with ditto. you get a phione

Were can you find manaphy in Pokemon platinum?

You can't, you must send it over from Pokemon Ranger.

Where can you find a trainer in Pokemon platinum with lopunny?

A trainer on route 221

Where can you find a manaphy in Pokemon Platinum?

You can't. You can only transfer a Manaphy egg from Ranger after completing the Manaphy cant find it in platinum,but you can either use action replay,go to the Pokemon mansion and look in the book,or if you have a Pokemon ranger game,you can use that.go on Google to know how to do it.

How can you find a manaphy in Pokemon Platinum?

u can not. u can only trade it from Pokemon ranger. from, Pokemon master123

Were do you find manaphy in Pokemon platinum?

you have to look in the book at mr backlots place