I don't know, but you could just use Snorlax (yawn) and Hipno (hypnosis) allternitly. If the opponent attacks first have some hyper potions or full restores ready.
Dark hole, hypnosis, yawn, sleep powder.
There is no TM yawn. Only certain Pokemon can learn yawn/hypnosis/sleep powder/etc.
Hypnosis, Yawn, Dark Void, Sing, Spore, Sleep Powder, Lovely Kiss, Grasswhistle, and metronome
Unfortunatly, Yawn cannot be learned through a TM because no such TM exists. Moves that put enemies to sleep can only be learned by pokemon by leveling them up, or by breeding them in the Daycare center.
Dark hole, hypnosis, yawn, sleep powder.
There is no TM yawn. Only certain Pokemon can learn yawn/hypnosis/sleep powder/etc.
Hypnosis, Yawn, Dark Void, Sing, Spore, Sleep Powder, Lovely Kiss, Grasswhistle, and metronome
Unfortunatly, Yawn cannot be learned through a TM because no such TM exists. Moves that put enemies to sleep can only be learned by pokemon by leveling them up, or by breeding them in the Daycare center.
The following moves have the ability to put Pokemon to sleep:- Sing- Yawn- Sleep Power
five of them are yawn, hypnosis, spore, sleep powder and sing
I only know 3 moves that makes Pokemon fall asleep. GrassWhistle - Roselia learns it by level up Yawn - Dunsparce learns it by level up Hypnosis - Drowsee knows it when captured in Pokemon Heart gold And Soul silver.
you cant only certain types of Pokemon can get it same for hypnosis ans sleep powder for more info on which can (usally slow or lazy) go to wikipeida and type how do you get the TM yawn
The ability insomnia prevents the Pokemon(having insomnia) from falling asleep during a battle. U must have fought Pokemon who uses the moves like yawn or sleep powder or hypnosis which make your Pokemon sleep and so it cant fight until it awakes and is vulnerable to attacks!! However there are some moves which can be used by a sleeping Pokemon......but sorry that i forgot its name!!:p
palkia's in the spear pillar search where he is on Google.com where he is inside and when you find him you have to have a Pokemon who knows hypnosis or yawn the if you have him weakened to really low health use ultra balls or a master ball if you still have it or you have action replay or gameshark
After you relese the three Pokemon, go there and catch it. The best method I know, is get a Pokemon and get it to learn Evador, weaken it to 1 HP, have a Pokemon that knows yawn, and get to battling!!!! Use those two moves, snag it with a ultra ball and you might get it!!!!!!!