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Diglett Has 10 HP Making it The Pokémon WIth The 2nd Lowest Hp However Shedinja Has Only 1 HP. Btw Don't Improve This Answer Even Ask Nintendo Diglett Does Have The 2nd Least Hp

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Q: What Pokemon has the least hp besides Shedinja?
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What are the worst Pokemon in history?

Magikarp and Shedinja. Magikarp because it can only learn splash, tackle, and flail. Shedinja because it can only have 1 hp for its whole life.

False Swipe in Pokemon ruby?

False Swipe is a Normal type Pokemon move that will always leave at least 1 HP on the Pokemon it is used on. It did not become a TM until the fourth generation of Pokemon games. In Pokemon Ruby, the following Pokemon learn False Swipe naturally: Farfetched, Cubone, Marowak, Scyther, Scizor, Grovyle, Sceptile, Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja, and Zangoose.

What is the Pokemon with the least HP?

The Pokemon with the lowest HP is Shedinga. The base HP for this guy is 1, and stays that way no matter what unless you hack. It at least has the ability Wonder Guard to make up for this.

How do you kill shedinja?

Shedinja is a special Pokemon that has a unique special ability: wonder guard. Effects of wonder guard: Makes all move that are not super effective not hurt Shedinja. Shedinja's type: Bug and Ghost Types of moves that will hurt (or kill, since Shedinja is only 1 hp): Fire, Flying, Rock, Dark etc. Do note that moves that does not inflict damage directly will also work on Shedinja. Examples include toxic (Shedinja will die the next turn due to poison), will-o-wisp (similar reason), or confuse ray (if it hurts itself, it will get hurt like others)

What Pokemon only has 1 hp?

It is a single pokemon called Shedinja, it originated as a hoenn pokemon (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald). To get it, you will need 5 pokemon in your party and at least one spare pokeball (a spare space in your party is required) , one of which must be a nincada, level it up to evolve ( @ LVL 20) and providing the last slot in your party is free and you have a spare pokeball, you will get itGood Luck happy hunting :)

Related questions

What Pokemon has 2 hp?

There is no Pokemon with HP of 2. I know a Pokemon that has 1 HP though. Shedinja.

Which Pokemon card has the lowest hit points?

Shedinja, with an HP of 1!

What is the name of the Pokemon who has 1 hp on Pokemon emerald?


Will shedinja ever gain hp?

No it won't. but it could be raised up some more if you were playing Pokemon mystery dungeon. All you have to do is give it a sitrus berry. My shedinja hp is 77 at lv 23 :D

How much hp does a shedinja have at level 100?

Shedinja will have only 1 HP at any level.

How do you get a shedinja in Pokemon platinum?

First you need a nincada then get it to level 20 and it will evolve into ninjask. If you have an empty spot in your party (were you keep your pokemon) shedinja will appear in that spot it will be level 1 when you get it. Also no matter what you do you can't raise it's HP. It stays at 1 HP forever.

What are the worst Pokemon in history?

Magikarp and Shedinja. Magikarp because it can only learn splash, tackle, and flail. Shedinja because it can only have 1 hp for its whole life.

How shedinja get hp?

a shedinja can never gain more than i HP. if ur using HP Ups, ur just wasting them

What is the use of Shedinja learning Final Gambit in Pokemon?

There is no use, because a Shedinja with Final Gambit is utterly terrible. For the record, Final Gambit causes the user to faint and do damage equal to their HP at the time they used the move, so a Shedinja doing 1 HP of damage while fainting itself... no, just no.

What is the strongest Bug Pokemon in Pearl?

The strongest bug Pokemon are Shedinja its HP is 1, but only super effective moves will hurt him, its mostly unstopabble !!!!!

Why does Shedinja only have one hp?

it's usual it is suppose to do that

How do you get a Pokemon to have the wonder guard ability on Pokemon soul silver?

Have a spare slot in your party and evolve a Nincada into a Ninjask. In the spare slot, a Shedinja will appear with 1/1 Hp and the ability Wonder Guard which negates all moves that are not Super Effective. Do noet however that if Shedinja gets poisoned or burnt or hits itself with confusion, it will faint. Weather effects such as Hail and Sandstorm still affect it. Shedinja is the only Pokemon with that ability.