Magikarp and Shedinja. Magikarp because it can only learn splash, tackle, and flail. Shedinja because it can only have 1 hp for its whole life.
It depends on what type you like. I'd say the worst pokemon at the beginning is turtwig but he is pretty good when he evolves into torterra. Chimchar is good and when he evolves into infernape he is a beast. So personally the worst starter pokemon is piplup.
There is no "worst" starter, it's all about your personal preference. They are all good starters. The most challenging is turtwig.
pokemon soul silver/hart gold
There are so many bad things you can do that it can be hard to think of just one. Personally, I think the worst thing you can do is not having a balanced team. You can't just train one Pokemon more than your other ones and expect to win. Pokemon is about teamwork, so having a balanced team at around equal levels is the best thing you can do.
Arceus was the Pokemon who created the world and the first Pokemon in it Mew therefore Arceus came first but still leaving Mew the first Pokemon.
there really is none, everyone has their own opinion as mine would be sunkurn.
First you open up browser than you stoop playing the WORST game ever invented in the history of bad games!
That's a matter of opinion, but I think the worst Grass Pokemon is Paras, compared to all the other grass Pokemon I know of it is the worst.
The Worst Jobs in History was created in 2006.
definitely lillipup
entie is awesome! i think the worst is... (drum-roll) WORST IS CELEBI!!!
I think blue or red or yellow is the worst
Not the worst, but one of the worst.
Magikarp.feebass is too
only the worst Pokemon AKA magikarp
Pokemon Dark Cry version.